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Aggressors of Dark Kombat Review

Aggressors of Dark Kombat is a pseudo-3D fighting game set in a graphically 2D world. It attempts to set itself apart from all other 2D fighter games with its three-plane fighting system. In addition to the X and Y, players are given the ability to move along the Z-axis. While this introduces some new strategy elements in trying to approach the opponent, it isn't enough to redeem the game from its overall mediocrity.

Graphically, the game is slightly above average. The player-selectable characters are average looking at best, and their move animations definitely won't raise any eyebrows. But that is offset by the amount of background animation in some stages. While some stages only have one or two pedestrians moving about in the background, others have crowds of onlookers and even moving vehicles. It's not enough to make you drop your jaw and lose your concentration, but it might tempt you to look away from your poorly animated characters at times.

As mentioned before, the game attempts to stand out with its three-plane fighting system. Unfortunately, in giving players a third axis to move along something has been simultaneously lost. Because moving the joystick up and down now corresponds to moving he character into and out of the screen, one button had to be assigned as a jump button.

And because the Neo Geo only has four buttons, the control scheme ends up having one button each for punch, kick, and jump. While a simplistic control system isn't the touch of death for fighting games, it does become a problem for Aggressors of Dark Kombat because the developer has made no real effort in refining the controls and fighting system. Character move lists are sparse, and there's not a lot of skill involved in winning fights. The fighting system's shallowness will manifest itself quickly, and fights tend to degenerate into button mashing.

The game doesn't really feel like a polished 2D fighter. Instead it feels more like playing a 2D side-scrolling beat-4em-up game where you only fight one enemy at a time. Adding to the beat-4em-up feel, at times onlookers in the stage background will throw things into the fighting arena which you can then pick up and use on your opponent. But even as a beat-4em-up type of game Aggressors of Dark Kombat doesn't really measure up.

With its innovative three-plane fighting system and weapons being thrown in from bystanders, Aggressors of Dark Kombat had the potential to be a fighting game based on strategy in addition to pure reflexive skill. But despite the promise, ultimately the shallow fighting system makes the game a mediocre experience at best.

Interesting stage backgrounds, but the characters aren't very well animated.


It works; that's about it.


Throwing a Molotov cocktail can be fun, but the button mashing gets old fast.

Replay Value

The character stories aren't very interesting and there's not a lot of depth to the system.


Good in-game explanation of the fighting system.

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