Lets play the Game.

Theme Hospital Review

The premise behind Theme Hospital is that the player is running a hospital which must stay within budgetary constraints, while having to heal the highest number of patients at the same time. In order for his hospital to heal patients, the player must build rooms that can perform certain diagnostic and curative functions. The hospital must be staffed by employees such as doctors, nurses, handymen, and receptionists. Certain creature comforts are also available for purchase, like drink machines, benches, fire extinguishers and radiators. By combining these elements, the player must construct as efficient a hospital as possible, curing various ailments and depositing fees in the hospital's coffers, while trying to not run out of funds.

In general, all this may sound rather entertaining. However, the entire premise wears thin quite quickly. The title's "bathroom humor" is mildy amusing for a little while, but then, it gets old. Part of the "treat" of this title is supposed to be watching how the cures take place. However, there are only so many times that one can be amused by seeing a Bloaty Head patient get deflated, or by seeing a Slack Tongue patient have his taste buds removed by a Slicer Machine.

One thing that can be completely frustrating is the seemingly constant attention that has to be paid to some very small things. For example, let's take radiators. If there are not enough radiators in the hospital, the patients are uncomfortable and fewer show up at its front door. If there are an adequate amount of radiators, patients get warm and they will frequent any well-placed drink machine, an activity which will help to line the hospital's pockets. However, due to the height of the walls, some radiators can actually be hidden from view, which causes a real problem if the player ever decides to redesign his hospital's floor plan. Mandatory attention to small things like this limited my enjoyment factor for this title.

There are better, more creative sims on the market other than Theme Hospital. For the fan of a good sim, this is not one that is worthy of long-term hard drive space.

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