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Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty

Global Star Software upgrades and reissues Akella's Age of Sail II, originally published by Talonsoft, with Privateer's Bounty, adding more than 20 new single-mission scenarios, five new units, and a comprehensive scenario editor. All scenarios from the original game are included, but with advanced ship damage modeling, improved graphics, floating 3D cameras, non-linear campaigns, new weather effects, revamped game interface, crew discipline levels, and more than 1200 historically rendered warships.

The new units featured in Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty include an air balloon, submarine, steam paddleboat, fire ship, and bomb vessel. Enhanced ship maneuverability (creating groups, wind direction, sail control, headings, waypoints, formations), four types of ammunition (ball, chain-shot, grapeshot, and double-ball), different caliber guns, and enemy confrontations (boarding, attacking) are but a part of the experience of navigating 19th century sailing ships.

Ships are separated into 13 levels of effectiveness, and crews are ranked by six efficiency ratings ranging from professional to inexperienced. Unique specifications attend each ship in terms of year, number of guns, power rating, hull, crew, mariners, mizzen mast, main mast, fore mast, speed, depth, freeboard, weight, and turn rates. Battles include ship-to-ship, forts, towns, and coastal batteries, with weather, islands and shoals impacting tactical decisions.

Up to 16 players can participate via LAN or the Internet with adjustable game settings like fog of war, the ability to lock the server, game speed and difficulty level. The scenario editor allows creation of new campaigns or editing of existing missions, with full control over nearly every aspect of gameplay from adjustments to weather conditions and scripts to inserting ships and landscapes.

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