Lets play the Game.

All Overhead Free-Roaming Shooter Games

Games of this style offer a top-down perspective on the players' character, which can be guided to explore and do battle in any direction. As in all shooters, there is an emphasis on ranged combat.

True Lies
Raid on Bungling Bay
Jungle Strike

2014 //N.P.P.D. Rush// The Milk of Ultraviolet IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2014 #killallzombies [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 4
2009 0 Day Attack on Earth [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 1.5 Stars
1989 007: License to Kill IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1993 18th Airborne IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2009 2079 iPhone 2 Stars
2009 24: Special Ops iPhone 2.5 Stars
2006 50 Cent: Bulletproof -- G Unit Edition PlayStation Portable 2 Stars
2006 50 Cent: Bulletproof -- G Unit Edition [European] PlayStation Portable
2003 Absolute Terror IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2005 Ace Combat Advance Game Boy Advance 2.5 Stars
1984 Ad Infinitum [European] Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1992 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: DragonStrike Nintendo Entertainment System 2.5 Stars
2010 Age of Zombies Windows Phone 3 Stars
2014 Age of Zombies Ouya
2014 Age of Zombies [PlayStation Network] PlayStation Vita 3 Stars
2010 Age of Zombies [PSP minis] PlayStation Portable 3 Stars
1984 Air Support Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1987 Airborne Ranger Commodore 64/128 4 Stars
1988 Airborne Ranger IBM PC Compatible 3.5 Stars
1993 Alien 3 Game Boy 2.5 Stars
1993 Alien Breed IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2013 Alien Breed [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2013 Alien Breed [PlayStation Network] PlayStation Vita 2.5 Stars
2010 Alien Breed 2: Assault IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2010 Alien Breed 2: Assault [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2010 Alien Breed 2: Assault [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2010 Alien Breed 3: Descent IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2010 Alien Breed 3: Descent [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2009 Alien Breed: Evolution [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2010 Alien Breed: Impact IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2010 Alien Breed: Impact [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
1994 Alien Breed: Tower Assault IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1988 Alien Mind Apple IIGS 2.5 Stars
2005 Alien Shooter IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2009 Alien Shooter: Revisited IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2006 Alien Shooter: Vengeance [European] IBM PC Compatible
2010 Alien Swarm IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1987 Alien Syndrome Sega Master System 3 Stars
1987 Alien Syndrome Arcade 2.5 Stars
1987 Alien Syndrome Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1989 Alien Syndrome Nintendo Entertainment System 2 Stars
1989 Alien Syndrome IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1992 Alien Syndrome Sega Game Gear 2.5 Stars
2007 Alien Syndrome Wii 1.5 Stars
2001 Aliens: Thanatos Encounter Game Boy Color 2.5 Stars
Animales de la Muerte [Canceled] IBM PC Compatible
Animales de la Muerte [PlayStation Network] [Canceled] PlayStation 3
Animales de la Muerte [Xbox Live Arcade] [Canceled] Xbox 360
1999 Animaniacs: Splat Ball IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2010 Aqua [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2 Stars
2010 Arcadia IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1999 Armada Dreamcast 3.5 Stars
Armada 2: Star Command [Canceled] PlayStation 2
Armada 2: Star Command [Canceled] Xbox
Armada 2: Star Command [Canceled] Nintendo GameCube
1999 Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. Game Boy Color 2.5 Stars
2001 Army Men Advance Game Boy Advance 2 Stars
2001 Army Men Advance [European] Game Boy Advance
2000 Army Men: Air Combat Game Boy Color 2 Stars
2000 Army Men: Air Tactics IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2001 Army Men: Air Tactics [European] IBM PC Compatible
2002 Army Men: Air Tactics [European] IBM PC Compatible
2001 Army Men: Operation Green Game Boy Advance 2 Stars
2002 Army Men: Turf Wars Game Boy Advance 2.5 Stars
2007 Assault Heroes IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2010 Assault Heroes [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 3 Stars
2006 Assault Heroes [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3 Stars
2008 Assault Heroes 2 [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3 Stars
1999 Asteroids Hyper 64 Nintendo 64 3.5 Stars
2013 Astro [DSiWare] Nintendo DSi 1.5 Stars
1983 Aztarac Arcade 2.5 Stars
1988 Battle Droidz Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
2005 The Battle for Orion's Belt Mobile 3.5 Stars
1988 Battle Island Commodore 64/128 3 Stars
1995 Battle Robot Retsuden [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1982 Beany Bopper Atari Video Computer System 2 Stars
1997 Bedlam 2: Absolute Bedlam IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2011 The Binding of Isaac IBM PC Compatible
2011 The Binding of Isaac Macintosh
2014 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth IBM PC Compatible
2014 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Macintosh
2014 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 4
2014 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth [PlayStation Network] PlayStation Vita
1993 Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
1982 Bolo Apple II 2.5 Stars
1981 Bosconian Arcade 3.5 Stars
1987 Bosconian Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
2005 Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood Mobile 2.5 Stars
198X Bug Blitz Commodore 64/128 3.5 Stars
2011 Bunch of Heroes IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
Ca$h Guns Chao$ [Canceled] PlayStation Portable
2006 Ca$h Guns Chao$ DLX [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 1.5 Stars
1991 Caliber .50 Sega Genesis 1.5 Stars
2004 Call of Duty Mobile 3 Stars
2006 Call of Duty 2 Mobile 3 Stars
2008 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Mobile 2 Stars
2009 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Mobile 2 Stars
2008 Call of Duty: World at War Mobile 2.5 Stars
1994 Cannon Fodder IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1994 Cannon Fodder 2 IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2012 Cannon Fodder 3 IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1996 Captain Quazar IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2002 Cartel Wars Mobile 2 Stars
2011 Centipede: Infestation Wii 2.5 Stars
2011 Centipede: Infestation Nintendo 3DS 2.5 Stars
1987 Centurions: Power X Treme Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1985 Cerberus Arcade 2 Stars
1992 Challenger Tank Supervision 2 Stars
1993 The Chaos Engine [European] Sega Genesis
1994 The Chaos Engine [European] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
2013 The Chaos Engine IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2013 The Chaos Engine Macintosh 1.5 Stars
1996 The Chaos Engine 2 [European] Commodore Amiga
2000 Chase Ace 2 IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2005 Chicken's Revenge IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2002 Combat Pillows IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1984 Countermeasure Atari 5200 1.5 Stars
2014 Crimsonland IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2014 Crimsonland [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 4
2014 Crimsonland [PlayStation Network] PlayStation Vita
2014 Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon IBM PC Compatible
1987 Dark Adventure Arcade 2.5 Stars
1990 Dark Seal [European] Arcade 1.5 Stars
1990 Dark Seal [Japanese] Arcade
2011 Dead Horde IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2013 Dead on Arrival 2 iPhone 2 Stars
2013 Dead on Arrival 2 iPad 2 Stars
2013 Dead on Arrival 2 Android Phone 2 Stars
2013 Dead on Arrival 2 Android Tablet 2 Stars
2014 Dead on Arrival 2 Amazon Fire TV 2 Stars
2013 Dead Sky IBM PC Compatible 1 Stars
2013 Dead Sky Macintosh 1 Stars
2010 Death by Cube [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
1987 Death or Glory Commodore 64/128 3 Stars
1993 Desert Strike [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
2002 Desert Strike Advance Game Boy Advance 2 Stars
1992 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Sega Genesis 3 Stars
1992 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 Stars
1992 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf [European] Sega Genesis
1992 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Atari Lynx 2.5 Stars
1994 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Sega Game Gear 2.5 Stars
1995 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Game Boy 2 Stars
1987 Devil World Arcade 2 Stars
1992 Die Hard Nintendo Entertainment System 3.5 Stars
2006 Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action [European] Nintendo DS
2006 Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action Nintendo DS 2.5 Stars
2007 Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action [European] Nintendo DS
1983 Dog Fight Arcade 2 Stars
1986 Dough Boy [Japanese] Nintendo Entertainment System
1984 Doughboy Commodore 64/128 1 Stars
2010 Dracula: Undead Awakening [DSiWare] Nintendo DSi 2.5 Stars
2010 Dracula: Undead Awakening [PSP minis] PlayStation Portable 2.5 Stars
2010 Dracula: Undead Awakening [WiiWare] Wii 2.5 Stars
2008 Droid Assault IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2008 Droid Assault Macintosh 2.5 Stars
198X Duet Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1989 Escape From the Planet of the Robot Monsters Arcade 3 Stars
2012 Escape the Virus: Shoot'em Up! [DSiWare] Nintendo DSi 2 Stars
1984 The Evil Dead Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
2012 The Expendables 2 Videogame IBM PC Compatible 1 Stars
2012 The Expendables 2 Videogame [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 1 Stars
2012 The Expendables 2 Videogame [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 1 Stars
2010 Failsafe Atari 7800 1.5 Stars
1989 Fester's Quest Nintendo Entertainment System 1.5 Stars
1989 Fester's Quest [PlayChoice] Arcade 2 Stars
1990 Final Zone Sega Genesis 2.5 Stars
1996 Fire Fight IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1991 Firehawk Nintendo Entertainment System 2 Stars
1996 Firo and Klawd [European] PlayStation
1987 Force 7 Commodore 64/128 3 Stars
1987 Force 7 Apple II 3 Stars
1991 Fortified Zone Game Boy 2 Stars
2011 Fortified Zone [Virtual Console] Nintendo 3DS 2 Stars
1992 Fortified Zone 2 [Japanese] Game Boy
2008 Frobot IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2010 Frobot [WiiWare] Wii 3 Stars
2014 Full Mojo Rampage IBM PC Compatible
2011 Fusion: Genesis [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2009 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Nintendo DS 1.5 Stars
1988 G.U.T.Z. Commodore 64/128 1.5 Stars
2014 Galactic Arms Race IBM PC Compatible 3.5 Stars
1990 Gate of Doom Arcade 2 Stars
2011 Gatling Gears IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2011 Gatling Gears [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 3 Stars
2011 Gatling Gears [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3 Stars
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions IBM PC Compatible
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 4
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions [Xbox Live] Xbox One
2007 Geometry Wars: Galaxies Wii 3 Stars
2007 Geometry Wars: Galaxies Nintendo DS 2.5 Stars
2008 Geometry Wars: Galaxies [European] Nintendo DS
2007 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2005 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3.5 Stars
2008 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3.5 Stars
2007 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Mobile Mobile 2.5 Stars
2010 Geometry Wars: Touch iPad 3 Stars
2011 Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360
2014 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions [Xbox Live] Xbox One
2007 Geometry Wars: Galaxies Wii 3 Stars
2007 Geometry Wars: Galaxies Nintendo DS 2.5 Stars
2008 Geometry Wars: Galaxies [European] Nintendo DS
2007 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2005 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3.5 Stars
2008 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 3.5 Stars
2007 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Mobile Mobile 2.5 Stars
2010 Geometry Wars: Touch iPad 3 Stars
2011 Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2011 Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 1.5 Stars
2011 Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 1.5 Stars
2009 Ghostbusters: The Video Game Nintendo DS 2 Stars
1994 Ghoul Patrol Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3.5 Stars
1994 Ghoul Patrol [European] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1995 Ghoul Patrol [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
2010 Ghoul Patrol [Virtual Console] Wii 2 Stars
2012 Gimbal IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1986 Glider Rider Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
2013 Global Outbreak Android Phone
2013 Global Outbreak Android Tablet
2014 Global Outbreak: Doomsday Edition IBM PC Compatible
2012 Go Series: Undead Storm [DSiWare] Nintendo DSi 3 Stars
1990 Granada Sega Genesis 2.5 Stars
1991 Gremlins 2: The New Batch IBM PC Compatible 3.5 Stars
2014 Guns 'N' Zombies IBM PC Compatible
2014 Guns 'N' Zombies Macintosh
2013 Halo: Spartan Assault IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2013 Halo: Spartan Assault Windows Phone 2.5 Stars
2014 Halo: Spartan Assault [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2 Stars
2013 Halo: Spartan Assault [Xbox Live] Xbox One 2 Stars
2001 Hands of Time Game Boy Color 2.5 Stars
HardWired [Canceled] Sega Genesis
2003 Haunted Mansion Mobile 2.5 Stars
1987 Heavy Barrel Arcade 3 Stars
1987 Heavy Barrel [European] Arcade
1987 Heavy Barrel Apple II 2.5 Stars
1989 Heavy Barrel IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1990 Heavy Barrel Nintendo Entertainment System 2 Stars
2013 Hexodius IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2013 Hexodius [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 1.5 Stars
1986 Hover Force Intellivision 3.5 Stars
1991 Ikari no Yousai [Japanese] Game Boy
1993 Ikari no Yousai [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1987 Implosion Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
2011 Inside a Star Filled Sky IBM PC Compatible 3.5 Stars
2011 Inside a Star Filled Sky Macintosh 3.5 Stars
1986 Into the Eagle's Nest Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1987 Into the Eagle's Nest IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1987 Into the Eagle's Nest Atari ST 3.5 Stars
1987 Into the Eagle's Nest Apple II 2.5 Stars
2007 Invasion: Earth -- Collector's Edition [European] IBM PC Compatible
2010 Ion Assault IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2009 Ion Assault [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2013 Ion Assault HD [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2014 Iron Fisticle IBM PC Compatible
1998 Juggernaut Corps: First Assault IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1985 Jungle Jack Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1993 Jungle Strike Sega Genesis 3.5 Stars
1993 Jungle Strike Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 Stars
1993 Jungle Strike Sega Game Gear 3 Stars
1993 Jungle Strike [European] Sega Genesis 4 Stars
1995 Jungle Strike [European] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1995 Jungle Strike [European] Game Boy
1995 Jungle Strike Game Boy 2.5 Stars
1995 Jungle Strike [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1993 Jurassic Park Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 Stars
1993 Jurassic Park Nintendo Entertainment System 3.5 Stars
1993 Jurassic Park Game Boy 2 Stars
1994 Jurassic Park [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1986 Kiki Kaikai [Japanese] Arcade 1.5 Stars
1990 Kiki Kaikai [Japanese] TurboGrafx-16
1992 Kikikaikai: Nazo no Kuro Manto [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3.5 Stars
1994 Kikikaikai: Tukiyozoushi [Japanese] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
2004 kill.switch Game Boy Advance 3 Stars
2013 Killing Floor: Calamity Ouya 2.5 Stars
2013 Kokuga [eShop] Nintendo 3DS 3 Stars
1987 Labyrinth Runner [Japanese] Arcade 3 Stars
1986 Last Mission Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1986 Last Mission Arcade 2 Stars
1987 Lazer Tag Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
2014 Linkin Park Recharge: Wastelands iPad 2.5 Stars
1996 Loaded Sega Saturn 3.5 Stars
1997 Machine Hunter IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1997 Machine Hunter PlayStation 3.5 Stars
2009 Madballs in Babo: Invasion IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2009 Madballs in Babo: Invasion [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2004 Mafia Wars Mobile 2.5 Stars
1987 Majuu no Ohkoku [Japanese] Arcade
1988 Marauder Commodore 64/128 3 Stars
2009 Mass Effect Galaxy iPhone 1.5 Stars
2003 Max Payne Game Boy Advance 3.5 Stars
2004 Max Payne [European] Game Boy Advance
1987 Mean City Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1997 Meat Puppet IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2007 Medal of Honor: Airborne Mobile 2.5 Stars
2003 Medal of Honor: Infiltrator Game Boy Advance 2.5 Stars
2003 Medal of Honor: Infiltrator [European] Game Boy Advance
1986 Mediator Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1987 Mr. Weems and the She Vampires Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1987 Mutants Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1986 N.O.M.A.D [European] Amstrad CPC
2013 Narco Terror IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2013 Narco Terror [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 1.5 Stars
2013 Narco Terror [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 1.5 Stars
2011 Naval Warfare IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2004 Neo Contra PlayStation 2 2.5 Stars
2005 Neo Contra [European] PlayStation 2
1997 Netwar IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1983 Nova 2001 [Japanese] Arcade
1984 Nova 2001 Arcade 2 Stars
2008 Novastrike [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 1 Stars
1997 Nuclear Strike PlayStation 3.5 Stars
1997 Nuclear Strike IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2001 Nuclear Strike (Collector Edition) [European] IBM PC Compatible
1999 Nuclear Strike [Jewel Case] IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1999 Nuclear Strike 64 Nintendo 64 3.5 Stars
2014 Obludia IBM PC Compatible
1986 Olo 2 Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
2013 OMG HD Zombies! [PlayStation Network] PlayStation Vita 2 Stars
2014 OMG Zombies! IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2011 OMG-Z [PSP minis] PlayStation Portable 3 Stars
1992 Operation Carnage IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1993 Operation Logic Bomb Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 Stars
1995 Operation: Inner Space IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1987 P.O.D. Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1992 Penta Dragon [Japanese] Game Boy
2000 Perfect Dark Game Boy Color 1.5 Stars
2009 Pet Sematary iPhone 1.5 Stars
2012 Pineapple Smash Crew IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1988 Pioneer Plague Commodore Amiga 3 Stars
2008 Pirates: The Key of Dreams [WiiWare] Wii 2 Stars
2014 Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon IBM PC Compatible
2014 Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon Macintosh
198X Planet Rover Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1993 Pocky & Rocky Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 Stars
1992 Pocky & Rocky 2 [European] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1994 Pocky & Rocky 2 Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3.5 Stars
2002 Pocky & Rocky With Becky Game Boy Advance 1.5 Stars
2005 Point of Destruction Gizmondo 2.5 Stars
1995 Power Pete Macintosh 2 Stars
2008 PowerUp Forever [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2008 PowerUp Forever [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
1992 Predator 2 Sega Genesis 2 Stars
The Predators [Prototype] Arcade
2013 Primal Fears IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2014 Project Root IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2006 Project: Xenoclone [European] IBM PC Compatible
2010 ProtoGalaxy IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2008 Protöthea [WiiWare] Wii 1.5 Stars
2014 Pulstar IBM PC Compatible 0.5 Stars
2014 Pulstar Macintosh 0.5 Stars
2009 Qlione IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2008 R.I.P. 3: The Last Hero IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
1987 Raid 2000 Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
1984 Raid on Bungeling Bay Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1987 Raid on Bungeling Bay Nintendo Entertainment System 2 Stars
1986 Rambo Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1989 Rambo III Sega Genesis 2.5 Stars
1996 Re-Loaded PlayStation 1 Stars
1997 Re-Loaded [European] PlayStation
1987 The Real Ghostbusters Arcade 3 Stars
1987 Rebel Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1987 Red L.E.D. [European] Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1994 Red Zone Sega Genesis 2 Stars
1997 Reloaded IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
1987 Rescue Raiders Arcade 3 Stars
2014 Retrobooster IBM PC Compatible
2013 Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2008 Rocketmen: Axis of Evil [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2 Stars
2008 Rocketmen: Axis of Evil [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2 Stars
2008 Rocketmen: It Came From Uranus [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 1.5 Stars
2008 Rocketmen: It Came From Uranus [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 1.5 Stars
1990 Rotox IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2014 Runers IBM PC Compatible
1989 SAR: Search and Rescue Arcade 2.5 Stars
2012 SAR: Search and Rescue [PSP minis] PlayStation Portable 2.5 Stars
2006 Scarface: The Rise of Tony Montana Mobile 2.5 Stars
2006 Scarlotti's Mafia Wars 2 Mobile 2.5 Stars
2012 SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1997 Scud: Industrial Evolution IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1996 Seek & Destroy IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2004 Sega Ages 2500, Vol. 14: Alien Syndrome [Japanese] PlayStation 2
1985 Sega Ninja Arcade 1.5 Stars
2006 Shadow Grounds IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2006 Shadow Grounds [European] IBM PC Compatible
2007 Shadow Grounds Survivor IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2008 Shadow Grounds Survivor [European] IBM PC Compatible
1996 ShadowWraith Macintosh 2.5 Stars
1997 Shock Troopers Arcade 4 Stars
2011 Shock Troopers [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2011 Shock Troopers [PlayStation Network] PlayStation Portable 2.5 Stars
2012 Shock Troopers [Virtual Console] Wii 4 Stars
1998 Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad [Japanese] Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System 4 Stars
1998 Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad Arcade 2.5 Stars
2012 Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad [Virtual Console] Wii 2.5 Stars
2008 Shred Nebula [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2014 Sixty Second Shooter Prime [Xbox Live] Xbox One
1995 Skeleton Krew Sega Genesis 3.5 Stars
1994 True Lies Sega Game Gear 1.5 Stars
1995 True Lies Sega Genesis 2.5 Stars
1995 True Lies Super Nintendo Entertainment System 2.5 Stars
1995 True Lies Game Boy 2.5 Stars
2000 Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Game Boy Color 3 Stars
1999 Turok: Rage Wars Game Boy Color 2 Stars
1995 Tyrian IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1995 Tyrian: Episode One IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1987 U.A.G. Arcade 2.5 Stars
2013 Ultratron IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2013 Ultratron Macintosh 2.5 Stars
1994 Urban Strike Sega Genesis 3.5 Stars
1994 Urban Strike Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 Stars
1994 Urban Strike [European] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1994 Urban Strike [European] Game Boy
1995 Urban Strike Sega Game Gear 3 Stars
1996 Urban Strike Game Boy 3 Stars
1986 Valtric Arcade 2 Stars
2012 Vampire Crystals [WiiWare] Wii 3 Stars
2011 Voltron: Defender of the Universe [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2 Stars
2011 Voltron: Defender of the Universe [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2 Stars
1985 Vs. Raid on Bungeling Bay Arcade 3 Stars
1986 Warplay Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
2011 Waves IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1984 Westworld [European] Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
2002 Wingnuts: Temporal Navigator Macintosh 1.5 Stars
2002 Wingnuts: Temporal Navigator IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
2008 Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2 Stars
2008 Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2 Stars
2010 Woody Two-Legs: Attack of the Zombie Pirates IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2001 The World Is Not Enough Game Boy Color 3 Stars
2010 XG Blast! Nintendo DS 2.5 Stars
2013 Yet Another Zombie Defense iPhone 2 Stars
2013 Yet Another Zombie Defense iPad 2 Stars
2014 Yet Another Zombie Defense IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2006 Z-Zone IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2001 Zax: The Alien Hunter IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1987 Zig Zag Commodore 64/128 2 Stars
2009 Zombie Apocalypse [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2009 Zombie Apocalypse [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
2011 Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone [PlayStation Network] PlayStation 3 2.5 Stars
2011 Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone [Xbox Live Arcade] Xbox 360 2.5 Stars
1993 Zone 66 IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1984 Zone Ranger Commodore 64/128 2.5 Stars
1984 Zone Ranger Atari 5200

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