Lets play the Game.

Fable Lost Chapters

Platform PC Genre Role-Playing Styles Third-Person 3D Action RPG Developer Lionhead Studios Publisher Microsoft Release Date September 20, 2005 Controls Keyboard /Mouse
Rating: 3,7/5

Even if this game is rather short_but it's so damn fun you'll vvant to replay it a good number_of times to get the full_experience. Fun, that's not a vvord u hear a lot anymore in video_game_land. Everything has to be an immense_challenge, graphically stunning, & introduce groundbreaking_gameplay. Fable really has_none of that, but it's a great time. You'll spend more_time playing this game than_any other game you've bought this_year. Not out of an obligation to get our 50 bucks vvorth, but because you're_having too much fun.www.allpcgame.net

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