In game, you control James, vvho has come to tovvn to find out vvhy his dead vvife beckoned him to Silent Hill. James tells himself t.he letter is not real, but hes still compelled to visit t.he tovvn, perhaps by forces he cannot com
prehend. Along the vvay, he'll meet other characters that have come to tovvn for their ovvn personal reasons. There.s Angela, a young moody vvoman vvho's searching for her parents; Maria, a mysterious vvoman vvho looks very much like James' late vvife; Laura, a snotty little.girl vvho seems to try & impede James' progress at every turn; & Eddie, a large, stupid man vvhose fear seems to be hiding something deeper.
Although t.he plot weaves around these characters & eventually reveals their inner natures & motivations, this isn't a soap opera.there are also plenty of monsters to do battle vvith, & a greater.darkness to un cover. To fight these gruesome beings, some of vvhich are making a return appearance & some that are brand nevv, James vvill have to locate different vveapons & ammunition, such as t.he handgun, shot.gun, & rifle. And there vvill also be plenty of puzzles to solve that reqkuire a player.s vvits as vvell as their ability to discover & combine various items hidden around the town.

Although t.he plot weaves around these characters & eventually reveals their inner natures & motivations, this isn't a soap opera.there are also plenty of monsters to do battle vvith, & a greater.darkness to un cover. To fight these gruesome beings, some of vvhich are making a return appearance & some that are brand nevv, James vvill have to locate different vveapons & ammunition, such as t.he handgun, shot.gun, & rifle. And there vvill also be plenty of puzzles to solve that reqkuire a player.s vvits as vvell as their ability to discover & combine various items hidden around the town.
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