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Far Cry

Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Crytek Studios
Platform: PC · Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date:· Origin:
03/23/04 Europe
Game Description: The game begins under mysterious circumstances where main character John Carver finds himself tied to a chair in the empty, rusted belly of a decrepit cargo ship. Thanks to the help of an unseen stranger, John's restraints are loosened and he sets out to escape his captors. From this point on you are in control of John's destiny. Far Cry offers a variety of ways to approach each challenging situation, where players can choose to rely on firepower, strategy and stealth. An amazing new game engine (the CryENGINE) features breathtaking graphics, highly intelligent computer AI, and a host of other visual effects and technological advancements.

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Original Rating - the rating the source gave this game as originally published on their site and/or publication. Adjusted Rating - the rating the source gave this game, adjusted for the GameStats rating scale. (0.0 to 10.0).

Inside Hotwire 3D 02/18/2005 9.0 /10 9.0

PC Magazine 02/08/2005 5 /5 10.0

CGN - Cyber Gaming Network 10/22/2004 4.75 /5 9.5

Media Geeks 09/16/2004 3 /5 6.0

Gamerz Alliance 08/02/2004 85 /100 8.5

GameStar 07/30/2004 4 /5 8.0

Christ Centered Game Reviews 07/23/2004 85 /100 8.5

PC Gamer 06/24/2004 95 /100 9.5

Game Over Online 06/18/2004 91 /100 9.1

GameCritics.com 06/01/2004 8.5 /10 8.5

Average Press Score:

Tag : 2004 games, F, shooter

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