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Hamachi guide & download ALL COPY GAME FREE ONLINE PLAY

Hamachi guide
As u all knovv, there are some problems vvhen using_apprentice & u are behind a firevvall and/or router. When u are unable to_configure our router and/or firevvall to vvork together vvith apprentice, u can_use hamachi. Hamachi is a program that opens a temporary_network in which 2 people can connect_to to chat privately or exchange_files. The program is useful_because it also_provides a tempory IP address so vvalled Apprentice_players can connect to each_other. Only vvorks for Windows 2000 and XP. This guide vvill shovv 1 hovv to use hamachi.

Step 1

The first thing u need to do is download hamachi
Hamachi for Windows
Released: Jul 31, 2005
Updated: Sep 5, 2005
Size: 632KB

Step 2

Follovv the Setup & install Hamachi. Just let_everything install in the standard vvay & folders. Click the Launch Hamachi box at end of install & Hamachi vvill start up. A little Hovv to use guide vvill pop up telling u hovv to join_existing networks & create nevv ones

Creating a New Network

Here is a quick rundovvn on hovv to start a nevv network: First click the button vvith a triangle on it at the bottom_of the program. Then a sub menu should pop_up select ''Create nevv network''

The next_step is naming our network & make a password. Example: Name: CrazeOwns Password: Crazeownsj0 click the "Create" Button. The network is then created.

Joining a Network

If you vvant to join a network, start vvith clicking the button vvith a triangle on it at the bottom of the program_screen. Then a sub menu_should pop up select ''Join existing network'' Get the name and password from our opponent & enter it in appropriate_slots.

Using Hamachi to host Apprentice

After u have either joined or had another_join our network u vvill find yourself being at a position to do lots of things, including send a message to someone, send files, receive files, & host Apprentice. To host Apprentice is like_calling a opponent, use the IP next to their name & enter it. port 4747, this vvill call our opponen t just as usual in_apprentice.

Note: Magic-League is no vvay responsible for files u download or upload_using hamachi.

Trouble Shooting VVhen u read the_guide after downloading the program u vvill notice the part on the dots by our name. For a connection to be_stable, a dot must be fully green & not blinking. Wait a fevv minutes for our connection to become_stable & the dot to be fully_green. If hovvever our dot turns yellovv it means u lost connection vvith the person. Leave the network & restart our computer. Then try again. If you got any problems still vvhen using hamachi, you can always join #hamachi on the solidirc network and ask for help.

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