Lets play the Game.

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Los Angeles
Platform: PC · Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date:· Origin:
11/09/04 U.S.

game description
Set in the Pacific Theatre of WWII, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault for the PC represents a unique addition to the award-winning Medal of Honor franchise. Players step into the boots of Marine Private Tom Conlin and feel his shock at the destruction of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, his growing resolve in the fight for Henderson Field on Guadalcanal, and his triumph at the battle for Tarawa Island. Medal of Honor Pacific Assault combines seven expansive single-player missions covering 25 levels with over nine new multiplayer maps and includes new locations, new weapons, and new soldiers. Multiplayer modes let the player to go head-to-head in Free-for-All or join a team to complete objectives and destroy an opposing team in Objective-based and Team Deathmatch modes.

Original Rating - the rating the source gave this game as originally published on their site and/or publication. Adjusted Rating - the rating the source gave this game, adjusted for the GameStats rating scale. (0.0 to 10.0).

Christ Centered Game Reviews 03/22/2006 80 /100 8.0

GamerDad 04/12/2005 3.5 /5 7.0

RealGamer 02/17/2005 6.4 /10 6.4

XGP Gaming 02/06/2005 8.2 /10 8.2

Jolt.co.uk 01/22/2005 7.4 /10 7.4

Game Informer 12/25/2004 8.5 /10 8.5

Game Informer 12/25/2004 8.25 /10 8.2

BBC News 12/23/2004 8 /10 8.0

G4 / Tech TV 12/20/2004 3 /5 6.0

ESC Magazine 12/14/2004 7 /10 7.0

Average Press Score:


Tag : 2004 games, M, shooter

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