Lets play the Game.


game description:

In the style of Hollywood’s popular horror movie genre, Obscure tracks a group of five all-American high school students who discover the halls they walk each day are anything but safe from their most horrifying nightmares. A string of mysterious disappearances and unexplained events set the stage for a night more horrifying than any trip to detention…

Obscure offers a wide range of gameplay options to see gamers through their night of terror. Players customize their action experience, interchanging between any characters at any time, utilizing the unique skills and abilities of each student. Controlled AI settings of defense, attack and help, allow characters to assist each other during combat and while solving puzzles.

The game also offers single or team play, with a second player able to enter or exit the game at any time for a unique co-op experience. Obscure is also one of the first survival horror games to propose a full cooperative mode: a second player can take control of another student and work together to fight monsters and resolve puzzles, adding a new level of challenge to the game.

system requiements: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP 1.0 GHz or Equivalent 256 MB 8x CD/DVD-ROM Speed 4 GB Available Memory Direct3D Compatible Video Card with True Hardware Transform and Lighting Capability DirectX 8.0a Compatible Sound Card Keyboard, Mouse
Tag : 2005 games, Horror, O

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