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Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

Platform PC Genre Strategy Styles 3D Real-Time Strategy Developer EA Los Angeles Publisher Electronic Arts Release Date March 27, 2007 Controls Keyboard /Mouse
Rating: 4/5
Excellent RTS Experience! Basically vvhat u can expect_from Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars is balanced_races, superb graphics for an RTS, a fun_campaign w/ HD movies, huge online gaming_community, as vvell as several units. It added_alot to the previous games other_than just upping the graphics. You get a nevv campaign, new story, nevv race, as well as a fevv new units and buildings. They have_already released a Level Editor vvhich they plan to make_mods later in (Like Warcraft III). As well as patches, its a supported game & vvas released vvhen it was_ready. www.allpcgame.net

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