review: This is a really old game. (Bombardment) I think I remember myself playing this old game back when it was in the arcades. (City Under Siege) This game may of worked back then in the early 90's in an arcade, (Bombardment) but porting it to the Playstation was not worth it. (City Under Siege) The game isn't even 3D on the PSone. After playing three levels you'll easily (Bombardment) see just how bad and repetitive all the levels are. (City Under Siege) You'll end up disowning this game within a few hours of gameplay. (Bombardment) Don't bother getting this game at all.

Game Details:
Platform: PSone / Playable on Pc
Genre: Shooter
Styles: Fixed Screen Shooter
Developer:Meyer Glass Interactive
Publisher:Hasbro Interactive
Release: Nov 16, 1999

Game Details:
Platform: PSone / Playable on Pc
Genre: Shooter
Styles: Fixed Screen Shooter
Developer:Meyer Glass Interactive
Publisher:Hasbro Interactive
Release: Nov 16, 1999
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