PC game / In Star Wars: Empire at War -- Forces of Corruption a new faction has emerged with the ability to exploit and corrupt weakened planets left defenseless while the Empire recovered from the destruction of the Death Star. The Zann Consortium, named after Tyler Zann, leader of the underground organization, has the ability to send saboteurs and heroes like Bossk or IG-88 to planets from the original game, and 13 more environments added with the expansion. These undercover terrorists can slowly corrupt Empire- and Rebel-oriented planets such as Kamino, Bespin, and Mustafar, to steal cash and resources directly from the planet's revenue. However, the Zann Consortium's ultimate goal is to commandeer the Super Star Destroyer, a behemoth of a galactic cruiser that is 11 times the size of the Death Star, and packs the destructive ability equal to the blast that turned Alderaan into space dust.
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