1st one and the 2nd one are the best.
The first ones graphics sucks since I first played it on the first edition of PlayStation 1, back in '99.
2nd one takes place at the same location as the first one. Graphics are good and the story is very impressive.
3rd one is related to the 1st one, graphics are sweet. Story line is cute aswell. I loved the UFO ending on this one.
4th one is pretty good but In my opinion it's the worst of the series since it takes place in a town near Silent Hill, in a motel. Graphics are really impressive. Not so crazy about the storyline and the characters though.
All in all I'd advice you guys play the 2nd one first.
Also, when you play the second of the this godly series, somewhere near the beginning of the game you will find a piece of a paper that says that Walter Sullivan (the bad guy from Silent Hill 4: The Room) has killed someone or escaped from prison or something like that, I don't remember quite well since I played 2nd one a long time ago when it was released. It's sweet how they planned on making the 4th part when they were making the 2nd one, looks like the planned every character in every game before releasing the series.
Also, the one that was originally planned on being released as the first part of the series is called Silent Hill The Origins. It was released a year ago I think and is able for PSP.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
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