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Celtic Kings: Rage of War(V1.16)


Celtic Kings is a real-time strategy game with online multiplayer features that mixes strategy and role-playing elements. The adventure takes place in ancient Gaul where four mighty forces battle for power: the brave Gauls, the mighty Romans, the vicious Teutons and the mysterious Druids who `weave the patterns` that make nations prosper and decay. There are two modes of play – adventure mode and strategic mode. In strategic mode, players play against computer or human opponents on the Internet, exercising their strategic and tactical skills to achieve victory. They must train and command numerous military units, hire and develop heroes, acquire powerful artifacts, conquer strongholds and villages, and launch large-scale campaigns against their enemies in order to bring them to their knees. The gameplay in this mode is similar to traditional RTS gameplay.

Hardware Requirements

IBM PC or 100% compatible ; A 300 MHz Pentium II processor ; 64MB of system memory ; Video board capable of displaying 1024x768 with thousands of colors ; 4x or faster CD-ROM ; MS Windows 9x/ME or MS Windows 2000 DirectX 8.0 or newer

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