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Dracula Days of Gore (2007)


Dracula Days of Gore (ISO) (2007)

Yr of the release: 2007
Genre: Action (Shooter)/3D/1st Person/Trash
Developer: Wolfgroup
Publishing house: IncaGold
Platform: PC
Type of the publication: the license
Language of the interface: only English
Tabletka: It does not be required

Refined XIX century... By old world guide aristocrats and kings - most powerful of the people of their time. But even their force grows dim before predatory face of the true owner of Europe, graph Of drakuly. On the drop its power is filled by the blood of innocent victims. This lasts by centuries; therefore today the vampires of steel as severely are dangerous never. Were increased in frequency the strange murders, whose main sign - the exsanguinated corpse of victim on the spot of crime. On investigation starts uncommon detective - member of the ancient order of knights...

Special features of the game:
Atmospheric horrors in the genre "fighter from the first person".
5 types of weapon for the destroyer of evil.
15 it is specific terrible monsters.
11 enormous levels
RPG- elements: character develops habits in proportion to passage
Stylish sound tracks in the best traditions of the films of horrors.

Minimum system requirements of the game:
Windows xp
Pentium III 1.2 GHz
256 Mb. RAM
64 mb. DirectX 9- compatible 3D videocard
DirectX- compatible sonic map
750 mb. of vacant place on the hard disk
16x S.D- ROM, keyboard, the mouseDirectX
9.0 and above
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