Lets play the Game.

SEXY BEACH 3 (english)

Adult game ( 18+ allowed only)

The more the player interacts and stays with the character, more hearts are available

1 Heart: Player can watch the female character interact with the environment and change the type of clothing

2 Heart: The player can apply lotion to the female character.

3 Heart: The player can have sex in 2 positions with the female character at night time only. The player is can ask the female character to sit down and touch the female character's breast area while in the option where lotion can be applied. The player also has a new option to change the characters hair.

4 Heart: The player gains two more sex positions and the female character can perform oral sex. The player can touch the female characters genitals in the option where lotion can be applied. The player can have sex outside the hotel room at night.

5 Heart: The player can have sex anytime with the female character and gains the ability to have sex while standing. Also there are additional oral sex options.

game download


Use HjSplit to recombine files, Unrars into 1 execution file which will install everything, including the English and uncensored patches.

here u find english patches for SB3 and SB3 with expansion

Sexy Beach 3 CEE (Complete English Edition)
unsencored patch.
414 Mods and Mod Installer

Trouble shoot (Only If)

This application has failed to start because d3dx9_24.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
method 1: Download Direct X http://www.megaupload.com/?d=997IB1QV, install and that is it
method 2: Download file. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JQ2QA520
copy d3dx9_24.dll into C:\Program Files\Ilusion\Sexy Beach 3.all Expansions
* Sexy Beach 3 .
* Sexy Beach 3 Plus.
* Sexy Beach 3 Gravure
* Sexy Beach 3 Flash

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