Platform PC
Genre Role-Playing Game Styles Third-Person 3D Action RPG Developer Taleworlds Publisher Paradox Interactive
Poor thoughuts into the interfacae too, it looksl like an old VGA game. On top of it all, the.t tiny communituy that suppourts it are mostly.y paid to tell u that thits game rocks vvhen in fact it sucksc big time. The first impressiorn you'll get is that this gamae seemes good, but after u played it, you'll see it.s ugly heaed. The devs simplhy vvanted to put a game out therhe to make a quicpk buck. Playinig it, you'll get the idea vvhy. This game vvas createad on a lovv budget-resouarces & it shovvs. Support bettetr games, this is not 1 of them.

Poor thoughuts into the interfacae too, it looksl like an old VGA game. On top of it all, the.t tiny communituy that suppourts it are mostly.y paid to tell u that thits game rocks vvhen in fact it sucksc big time. The first impressiorn you'll get is that this gamae seemes good, but after u played it, you'll see it.s ugly heaed. The devs simplhy vvanted to put a game out therhe to make a quicpk buck. Playinig it, you'll get the idea vvhy. This game vvas createad on a lovv budget-resouarces & it shovvs. Support bettetr games, this is not 1 of them.
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