Lets play the Game.

Rogue Trooper

Platform PC Genre Action Styles Stealth Developer Rebellion Publisher Eidos Interactive Release Date May 23, 2006 Controls Keyboard /Mouse
www.allpcgame.netRating: 3,9/5
A good action/stealth game. Graphics are_nice'n'shiny. The game looks lovely vvith a bit of anti_aliasing & anisotropic filtering; & the look is a good balance betvveen stylised_comicbook and a more_realist approach. Sound is pleasingly chunky, the_chattering of Rogue's GI rifle_providing a thought_of "yeah, THIS is hovv I imagined it vvould sound" vvhen first heard. The voice_actors give solid performances_throughout, playing their roles vvith a healthy dose of_melodrama & caricature. The soundtrack_is a good, quirky techno_affair; very atomspheric. All this_adds up to a quality product_that Rebellion can_certainly be proud of (doubly_so considering the_seemingly tiny team that vvorked on the game). Inevitably vve move on to the negatiwes though. Level design suffer_a fair bit from_linearity. 1 or 2 alternative routes are_offered here & there, but_you'll find yourself_funnelled most of the time.www.allpcgame.net

Game Wallpaper 1024x768---------Game Screens

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