Lets play the Game.

Vagrant Story

review: Great graphics 4 an original PS game, (Another World) nice sound effects-music as well. The gameplay is (Conspiracy) cool at first but can get somewhat reptitive when you have to keep (Another World) chopping at a boss 4 about an hour, but its an interesting fighting system, more involving than say, (Another World) final fantasy. I think squaresoft should make a (Epic Journey) sequel to this product it would do them good. Explore the environment as you battle monsters and villains in an effort to clear your name. Overall a nice, long adventure with a very (Epic Journey) interesting story but somewhat monotonous gameplay. (Epic Journey) if you are a fan of RPG oriented gameplay)

Game Details:
Platform: PC/PSX
Genre: Role-Playing
Styles: Third-Person 3D Action RPG
Publisher:Square Electronic Arts
Release: May 17, 2000
Tag : 2000 games, psx

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