Christmas is approaching, TTC – GameLoo (TTC stands for Total Collection, the first team behind this scene) has been running for more than 2 years now – that is more than a game! We have been going up the chart from years to years because of YOU – here we have been helping each other even to answer to the noobiest question (sorry to say, but it really is, LOL) with patience and pride of the pirates :)
Not to mention, most games here are also personally tested before uploading and fixing in the posts by our beloved uploaders; and then helped by our beloved fans!
We are here as a family sharing our hobbies and fun for one purpose: 'STAY CONNECTED’ with what’s going on in the game world as we do buy lots of games that we think they deserve our hard earn money – not to get ripped off by some types, LOL.
Well, stop mumbling. Have you noticed recently GameLoo is uploading to ‘BigAndFree’ and will continue to do so? There is ONE cause: ‘A’ LOT OF FEATURES you will find with this great ever file hosting that you have never found anywhere else: 2GB per file (even for free users), remote upload from MU and HF without premium account (free users can also benefit from this, too), file life span is endless (I am not sure with the free account, hope their support can answer), and, and, and… etc!!!
Now there is a very special promotion which I think they are giving us as a Christmas gift:
Dear B&F user,
....they day is "almost" here...but we're celebrating early
....Hope you fully enjoy this christmas Holiday, together with your loved ones.
If you are a B&F regular, you know that lifetime accounts are not for sale; and are only available to our rewards partners.
Due to the christmas holiday, we're giving a few away to everyone!
a LIFETIME of Premium service for only $49.95 !!! (priceless)
....this promotion is only valid for 2 days, so get your premium account today!
....that's right, this promotion will END sunday night (in TWO days)...DON'T MISS IT!
In other news, we've updated several features on the website:
UPDATE - Earn $27 per 1,000 downloads with our rewards program!
UPDATE - Upload MU files without direct links!
UPDATE - Upload HF files without direct links!
COMING SOON - New file manager
COMING SOON - SEO packages for webmasters
COMING SOON - More rewards
....If you'd like to see new features get added to B&F, tell us!
If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us by going to:
Thank you for being a part of the next biggest file hosting company, BigAndFree!
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions or concerns.
-- the team @
If you’d like to get one, register through our link, so GameLoo can also benefit from your purchase – WIN-WIN:
-- End of story --
Merry Christmas
From GameLoo
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