Lets play the Game.

Perfect Dark

review: It's a wonderful shooter with LOADS (Undercover Agent) of awesome weapons that no shooter can match today, (Gadgets) good controls, great graphics, characters, and the Multi-player is superb.

Story: It's your classic Alien VS Human (Evil Corporations) story line (Although it goes the way of Halo showing that some aliens (Female Protagonist) are with the Humans), and it's not really too impressive. (Master over 40 weapons) Although the characters personalities fit them really well and so do their voices.(with one, two, three, and four participants) Oh, and you play as a girl, a really, kick a** girl too.

A must have for any first person shooter fan, (Challenge Mode offers 30 scenarios) that wasn't too innovative, but put everything together with totally (Four-player deathmatch) customizable matches, AWESOME weapons, and it's too bad this game doesn't get enough (inspired by Blade Runner) respect due to 007 Goldeneye stealing the show (Even though Perfect Dark is better).

Game Details:
Platform: N64/ Playable on PC, Windows, 7, Vista Xp,
Genre: Shooter
Styles: First-Person Shooter
Developer:Rare Ltd
Publisher:Rare Ltd
Release: May 23, 2000
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