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Dark Souls III - PC Reviews

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If you're into Dark Souls games, I can tell you right now that Dark Souls 3 will probably be your game of the year. It's exactly what you want from a Dark Souls game. It's a lot of Dark Souls with a touch of Bloodborne, a dash of Dark Souls II and a hint of Demon's Souls. It's, admittedly, not a lot of anything new. But it's brilliant nonetheless. Read full



It's hard to say if Dark Souls III is the best entry in the series, but it's the most modern and dynamic title of the entire saga that excels with a perfectly balanced level design and some memorable boss fights. Read full

The Jimquisition

Dark Souls III is, in many ways, a balancing of past accomplishments. The detailed yet obfuscating narrative of Dark Souls, the convenient travel system of Dark Souls II, a dash of the speed found in Bloodborne, and the rock solid backbone of strenuous, fulfilling challenge that runs throughout the entire series...Any player who’s been through this mill is prepared to die, but once more, that fantastic beacon of hope urging players to press forward and overcome each obstacle is shining as bright as ever. Because that’s what Dark Souls is all about – perishing, persevering, and prevailing. No game series comes close to doing what Dark Souls does, and Dark Souls III has done it again. It’s an undead favorite.  Read full


Dark Souls III won’t be for everyone and it doesn’t shy away from the deserved reputation of being difficult. Persevere, however, and the rewards are plenty. I feel like I repeat myself with every release of this franchise but it’s the god’s honest truth: no other video game makes you feel so empowered and awesome. Tackling the game’s numerous obstacles, big and small, is a major accomplishment. And the pride and exhilaration one feels from a Dark Souls game is a lot like getting wrapped up in a blanket, fresh from the dryer, on a cold and rainy night. Read full


A necessary conclusion to the Souls saga, Dark Souls III may not be the best entry in the series but its quality is undeniable despite performance shortcomings and less content than its predecessors. Farewell, Souls games. Read full

RPG Site

Dark Souls 3 oozes loving detail at every seam, and is at the very height of craftsmanship in the action RPG genre. Sometimes it is too poised at being more of a greatest hits album of the franchise than a proper sequel, but maybe that was the intent. From Software knows how dearly fans love this series, and they have reciprocated that love tenfold with this game. Dark Souls taught us that nothing lasts forever. From the largest star to the smallest bonfire, sooner or later every fire fizzles out. For now at least, it is time to bid farewell to this franchise, and Dark Souls 3 is as wonderful a send off as any we could have hoped for. Read full

Hardcore Gamer

Those already tightly entrenched in the series won’t have anything to scoff at. Significantly improved over its predecessor, Dark Souls III will have players immersed in the deep and rich fiction that From Software is known for.  Read full


Despite the odd issues I ran into with the game, be it performance related, or gameplay related (mobs of enemies don’t always make a game harder FromSoftware), Dark Souls 3 is a gargantuan step up from Dark Souls 2 in terms of design...From Software has included a lot for players to mess around with, and between the various armor sets, locations, weapons and enemies to get acquainted with, Dark Souls 3 is one behemoth of a game that could stand at the top of the entire series in terms of quality.  Read full

Attack of the Fanboy

Dark Souls 3 is exactly what fans want, more of the same. There are new elements to be sure, but overall the game is the same great action RPG formula as the previous games. Unfortunately this also means some pieces that should have been updated weren't. On top of this are some performance issues and a lackluster targeting system. Still, longtime fans will overlook these with ease. Newcomers will find a more accepting entry for the franchise, though the massive challenge is still there, and don't expect to understand all of the intricate mechanics that the game never really explains to you. Read full


Dark Souls 3 was clearly tailored to draw dedicated fans back in for one final adventure, though it’s nice to see From Software also put some effort into making the signature combat more accessible to casual players. Still, if you’re thinking of picking the game up on launch day, I’d advise you to wait and see if the infamously bad framerate issues have been addressed. Read full


Dark Souls 3 was clearly tailored to draw dedicated fans back in for one final adventure, though it’s nice to see From Software also put some effort into making the signature combat more accessible to casual players. Still, if you’re thinking of picking the game up on launch day, I’d advise you to wait and see if the infamously bad framerate issues have been addressed. Read full


Dark Souls III nails much of what made the first two in the series so special, but its world and enemies are unusually drab. Read full
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