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Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City Review and System Requirements

The episodes aren't as long as the original GTA: IV story, but they're fun, enjoyable and longer than some full games costing twice as much. Unlike GTA: IV, the entire map is unlocked from the beginning, and even though you only have one safe house, if you remember where the safe houses are in GTA: IV, you can still store cars in their parking spots.
I didn't like the motorcycle handling in GTA: IV, so I was thinking I wouldn't like TLAD. I was wrong. It didn't take long to get used to it, and it was actually fun to ride around with the gang. I definitely liked TBoGT the best though. The added ability to replay missions is nice, I wish they would have added that to TLAD and GTA: IV.

If you like to customize your controls like I do, it does suffer from the same weird control binding issues GTA: IV does. The right mouse button for example, even if you bind it to another function, it will still hang up the phone when pressed.

If you have a modern PC with a current GPU, it should run just fine. I played the original GTA: IV on an AMD 64 x2 4400+ (2.2GHz Dual Core) with 2GB RAM and a GeForce GTX 260 running Windows XP. I used high settings and turned shadows down low and it ran just fine.

My current system, an Intel Core i5 750 (2.66Ghz Quad Core), 4GB RAM and GTX 470 plays the game with all settings on very high, detail and view distance set to 100 and vehicle density 50, and does it without breaking a sweat.
Verdict: 80/100

GTA: Episodes from Liberty City Minimum System Requirements:
Windows Vista SP1 / Windows XP SP3
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHz
1.5 GB XP / 1.5 GB Vista
256 MB Nvidia 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900
DirectX 9.0c Compliant Card
16 GB of Hard Disc Space
5.1 Channel Audio Card
Internet connection for Initial activation
Tag : 2010 games, Action, G
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