Lets play the Game.

Moonbase Alpha

summary: Moonbase Alpha is set in the (massively, multiplayer online) year 2032 and focuses on exploring (real-life jobs) the day in the life of a (futuristic 3D) lunar-based astronaut. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) As a meteor strike damages an outpost near the (uses solar energy) moon's South Pole, the player must take control of a member of the (regolith processing) outpost's research team and repair the outpost in order to (mobile robotic repair units) save the 12 years of research accomplished there.

Game Details:
Platform: PC, Windows
Genre: Simulation
Styles: Action Strategy,
Mode(s): Single-player and Multiplayer
Developer: Virtual Heroes
Publisher: NASA
Release: July 6, 2010
Controls: Keyboard/Mouse
Language: English

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