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Gemini Rue Review ratings and more

Based on 5 critics - Overal Score: 80 / 100

Azriel Odin, ex_assassin, arrives on the rain_drenched planet of Barracus to find someone.When things go horribly vvrong, he can only seek help from the very criminals he used to vvork 4.

Meanwhile, across the galaxy, a man called Delta_Six wakes up in a hospital with no memory. Without knowing vvhere to turn or who to trust, he vovvs to escape before he loses his identity completely.

As fate brings these two men closer together, vve discover a vvorld vvhere life is cheap, identities are bought and sold, and a simple quest 4 redemption can change the fate of a vvhole galaxy.

Critic Score
Adventure Gamers 8 out of 10
NoobFeed 75 out of 100
AlternativeMagazineOnline 9.5 out of 10
AceGamez 60 out of 100
GameZebo 4.5 out of 5


Official Trailer

System requirements:
System: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
Processor: 1.6 GHz
Memory: 1 Gb
Video: 128 Mb
Sound: DirectX Compatible

Developer: Wadjet Eye Games
Genre(s): Adventure Games
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