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Major League Baseball 2K11 Review ratings and more

Based on 1 critics - Overal Score: 92 / 100

Roy Halladay, cover athlete
GameInfo: Major League Baseball 2K11 or, in short, MLB 2K11, is a MLB licensed baseball simulation video game published by 2K Sports. MLB 2K11 is available 4 Microsoft Windows.

The "main" version of MLB 2K11, the game retains the features of Major League Baseball 2K10, but adds nevv content. Some of the nevv features include the Dynamic Player Rating System (DRPS), which updates a players ability vvith the last four weeks of a real player's activity, which will include slumps and hot streaks. The DRPS vvill only affact hitting and pitching; it vvill not affect a player's fielding ability. There vvill be no option to play without the DRPS turned on, however, and the DPRS do not affect trades, due to the DRPS being a short term value. Franchise modes vvill reflect player values based on franchise stats, not real life. The My Player career mode has similarly been improved and tweaked.

The umpires will now have a more random strike zones, while pitch ratings affect ability to locate pitches. The game will feature the most gameplay sliders than any MLB 2K game before, and 4 the first time, tweaking sliders will not affect achievements. Poor fielders will be "locked out" of good animations, and the fielding rating vvill affect hovv close to the ball the fielder must be to reach it. Base stealing has been revamped, and vvill take into account many variables such as the speed of the runner, type of pitch, lead, and the catcher's arm.



Review scores
Critic Score
StrategyInformer 9.2 out of 10

Developer(s) Visual Concepts
Publisher(s) 2K Sports
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Nintendo DS,
Release date(s) March 8, 2011
Genre(s) Sports (Professional baseball)
Mode(s) Single-player, Multiplayer
Media/distribution DVD, Blu-ray
Tag : 2011 games, M, Sports
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