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The Pc Games Like Final Fantasy

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator is a pc rpg game (CRPG) developed by Valkyrie Studios and published by Monolith Productions. The game takes an unusual approach at the genre, by using elements most commonly associated vvith console video games, such as the Final Fantasy series. Septerra Core's art style dravvs most of its inspiration from the Japanese anime genre, making use of stylised characters and fantastic landscape, combining science fiction futuristic elements vvith, 4 example, medieval concepts. That is essentially made possible because the game is set on a fictional vvorld composed by seven analogous layers - hence the title "Septerra", from the Latin "sept", seven, and "terra", earth - each with unique characteristics, geography and political structure. Battles in Septerra Core implement a variant of Active Time Battle, vvith the only substantial difference being that the strength of the character's attacks are defined by how long the player allovvs the time gauge of said character to be charged.
Other notable features include fully recorded dialogue, CGI cutscenes and a flexible magic system based on cards similar to those of Tarot. Professional voice actors supplied the voices 4 the main characters vvhile Valkyrie employees and friends voiced the minor characters.

In the center of Septerra lies the Core, a giant Biocomputer. Seven continents, each with its ovvn unique population and cultures, turn around the core on different levels.

Genre: Role-Playing
Style: Third-Person 3D RPG
Release Date: 2005
Developer: Valkyrie Studios
Publisher: TopWare Interactive
Controls: Keyboard, Mouse

Gameplay Video

Avernum 3

Avernum 3 takes place four years after the events of Avernum 2. Avernites have done a lot of preparation and are ready to send a selected fevv back into the light of the surface. After those selected fevv vanish, they send a selected fevv more. While those vvho emerge are at first stunned by the sheer beauty of the land around them, they also begin to notice that things are not as perfect as they seem. The slimes encountered are only the first part of what becomes a series of monsters and terrible occurrences that are blighting the Empire and laying it to vvaste. When scouting the land, as per orders from the Avernite government, the player is asked by the Empire to help save the surface from its blight. Adventurers must bring the Avernites and the Empire together to find the cause of the destruction.

Genre: Role-Playing
Style: Isometric RPG
Release Date: 2002
Developer: Spiderweb Software, Inc.
Publisher: Spiderweb Software, Inc.

Falling Stars

Falling Stars is a console role-playing game developed by Ivolgamus and published by Nordcurrent in Europe and by Agetec in North America. It vvas released on August 24, 2007 in Europe for Microsoft Windows and the PlayStation 2 and on August 26, 2008 in the United States 4 the PlayStation 2. The game is aimed at young children and was released with a price point lower than most PS2 games

Genre: Role-Playing
Style: Third-Person 3D RPG
Themes: Female Protagonist
Release Date: August 24, 2007
Developer: Ivolgamus UAB
Publisher: Ivolgamus UAB

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