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History Of Winning Eleven Football Games

Winning Eleven
Winning Eleven History of Game PS Winning Eleven or better known as Pro Evolution Soccer in the country European football is a game series of the most famous who could shift the dominance of FIFA.

The series is made under the direction of Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka (KCEJ) which is now known as the father of Winning Eleven. I think enough Down to brass tacks, immediately wrote deh us refer to the course of history one of Konami flagship game that we usually know as WE.

Winning Eleven is the ancestor of International Superstar Soccer (ISS) or known in Japan as Perfect Eleven. This game was released for the SNES console system in 1994. Before that era Konami also has a game that might be called the basic concepts of ISS Konami Hyper Soccer. Could not find an official statement that the serial Konami Hyper Soccer is the origin of the ISS so that we can only say that title without linking directly with the history of Winning Eleven.

When ISS is thrown into the market this game has several advantages over its competitors when it is striker, Kick Off and FIFA. Even consumers recognize that this series has a regulatory system that better pass that led to this game has a complicated way to break through the opponent's goal when compared to games like FIFA or at the time.

A year later ISS Deluxe was released to the market, in Japan this game is known as the Fighting Eleven. Many of the differences found in the Deluxe version which we can see below.

The addition of voice commentators still be simple and short. Commentator's voice is often so late that sometimes the sound does not fit with the existing scene in a game.

Slightly improved graphics and AI.

Substitution or replacement of more players to be clarified so that it is possible to see the type of player that we choose. What type of attackers, midfielders or the other.
Using a strategy led to the name of that strategy appears on the screen game.

Free kick or corner, now do not have to wait several seconds until the camera around the player and now it is possible to regulate the movement of the camera rotation. The time is now a circular indicator which is always reduced during the game in progress. Now we can tackle on the goalkeeper when the ball is in a state out of play, the act is sometimes rewarded red card. Controlling the ball is now more clear.

Winning Eleven

All of the above list of updates from the ISS Deluxe is based on the SNES version. Not long after ISS Deluxe SEGA Megadrive version was released to the market. This is the first game that supports serial ISS eight players at once. There are more than 30 teams that competed in the world in this game and there are some players who have made such features world-class players, for example, Valderrama, Baggio, Ravanelli or Petkov. However, because Konami did not have a license real ball players, the players are forced to use false names to avoid lawsuits.

The next era, the ISS moves into the PSone and changed its name to Goal Storm. Serial Goal Storm or so-called Winning Eleven 96 in Japan released adjacent to the ISS Deluxe and just get a little improvement so that the serial ISS Deluxe was more popular.

Not long after the ISS 64 produced for the Nintendo 64. This game is a 3D graphics upgrades for the first ISS Deluxe on the SNES, Australia was the first country to get a western version of the ISS 64. PSone version of this game is referred to as ISS Pro and is the first production of KCET, the quality of this version is very poor and can not be compared to that of the Nintendo 64.

In 1998, ISS 98 was released to the Nintendo 64, this game has a lot of changes compared prekuelnya. All the bugs that exist in the ISS 64 are removed, this causes the course of the game became more balanced and exciting. Thanks to service the ISS 98, ISS product line is increasingly recognized in society and have its own fan. In the PSone version of the game which is a twin of the ISS in 1998 was named ISS Pro 98. This game is made by KCET so slightly different from the ISS in 1998 made by KCEO the Nintendo 64. ISS Pro 98 experienced remarkable evolution compared to ISS Pro before, but still can not be compared with the ISS 98 on the Nintendo 64. Just additional information, KCET is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan while it KCEO headquartered in Osaka, Japan.

Winning Eleven 3 again released to the market in May 1998 and in December the same year Winning Eleven 3 Winning Eleven have upgraded to 3 Final Version. Winning Eleven Habits update into the final version or the other and then often carried out by Konami, this is done by doing a little tweak or update the list of players.

In 2000, PSone obtain ISS Pro Evolution Soccer 2000 which is a translated version of Winning Eleven 4. At this time Nintendo's dominance began to recede and displaced by SONY, so Nintendo 64 acquire ISS 2000 which is a change of name of the game Perfect Striker 2.

Not long after that era ended and replaced PSone PS2. In November of 2000, again the first Australian state to obtain ISS western version of an update on the Winning Eleven 5. Up to this point Konami still has two brands that have a football game playing style is very different.

Both the brand is produced by KCEO ISS and PES / Winning Eleven, produced by KCET. When the mirror of reality, for many people who agree that the PES / WE take over the baton triumph of the ISS. ISS game itself is actually still produced until 2003 at which the ISS game 3 was released for GameCube, PS2 and PC. ISS product line must be ended tragically when we reach this point, but once the ISS is always compared to that Winning Eleven is in fact at first not very successful in the market.

In April 2002, Winning Eleven 6 arrived in the Japanese market, the European version of this game is called Pro Evolution Soccer 2 and appears only a few months after the sixth WE emerged in Japan. In this period belong to Nintendo's GameCube console also sprayed a title Winning Eleven 6, Winning Eleven were given a frill Final Version. One year later, Winning Eleven 6 re-released to the market this is in accordance with the tradition of Konami who always do a small tweak or update the serial WE / PES belong to them.

Actually in 2002 a lot products that use the Konami brand "Winning Eleven". Winning Eleven appears on the handheld for the first time in the same month with WE 6 and GBA platforms used is given at that time had not yet issued SONY PSP handheld.

In addition to a portable version of Winning Eleven could colonize arcade machine with the title "Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style", this continues until their last arcade series "Winning Eleven 2006 Arcade Championship" which was released in December 2006.

In October 2003, Winning Eleven 7 again thrown into the market and three months later PES 3 appeared on the market. In the international version of Winning Eleven 7, provided Adidas Premium Package which is a limited edition of Winning Eleven 7. At this point for the first time Winning Eleven series appeared on the PC with the name "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International", this continues till now.

Not long after that era ended and replaced PSone PS2. In November of 2000, again the first Australian state to obtain ISS western version of an update on the Winning Eleven 5. Up to this point Konami still has two brands that have a football game playing style is very different. Both the brand is produced by KCEO ISS and PES / Winning Eleven, produced by KCET. When the mirror of reality, for many people who agree that the PES / WE take over the baton triumph of the ISS. ISS game itself is actually still produced until 2003 at which the ISS game 3 was released for GameCube, PS2 and PC. ISS product line must be ended tragically when we reach this point, but once the ISS is always compared to that Winning Eleven is in fact at first not very successful in the market.

In April 2002, Winning Eleven 6 arrived in the Japanese market, the European version of this game is called Pro Evolution Soccer 2 and appears only a few months after the sixth WE emerged in Japan. In this period belong to Nintendo's GameCube console also sprayed a title Winning Eleven 6, Winning Eleven were given a frill Final Version. One year later, Winning Eleven 6 re-released to the market this is in accordance with the tradition of Konami who always do a small tweak or update the serial WE / PES belong to them.

Actually in 2002 a lot products that use the Konami brand "Winning Eleven". Winning Eleven appears on the handheld for the first time in the same month with WE 6 and GBA platforms used is given at that time had not yet issued SONY PSP handheld. In addition to a portable version of Winning Eleven could colonize arcade machine with the title "Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style", this continues until their last arcade series "Winning Eleven 2006 Arcade Championship" which was released in December 2006.

WE / PES arcade version:

In October 2003, Winning Eleven 7 again thrown into the market and three months later PES 3 appeared on the market. In the international version of Winning Eleven 7, provided Adidas Premium Package which is a limited edition of Winning Eleven 7. At this point for the first time Winning Eleven series appeared on the PC with the name "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International", this continues till now.
Football Games

In 2004 as usual Winning Eleven re-obtain updates with the name of Winning Eleven 8 and PES appear again every few months later. Wait a minute, there's a pretty special feature on the Winning Eleven 8 International is circulating in Japan. Feature name is "Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution", with features tesebut we can make the game via online.

This feature is only available in Japan and become a means of testing the PS2 console online capabilities. PES 5 appeared in 2005 and has brought this feature, unfortunately many people do not know or can not use the online feature, especially in Indonesia, which in fact is using PES 5/WE pirated version 8 or 9.

Online features are also available on all versions of PES or WE who is on the Xbox, PC and PS2 of course. Winning Eleven again competed in the handheld with the WE 9/PES 5 on the PSP, this version has a very severe quality degradation due to limited media used by the PSP UMD. As information is the PSP version of WE sometimes get the subtitle "Ubiquitous Evolution", which means evolution is present everywhere.

winning eleven
PES 6 or WE 10/2007 is the first series that comes in next-gen console or rather on Microsoft's console called the Xbox 360. Unfortunately WE debut at next-gen console did not work so well, Konami such as the ability to try new console. The result WE 10 or better known as WE X felt less appropriate and reap a scathing critique.

For owners of the Xbox 360 in ground water of this moment is not wasted just like that, whatever bad WE X remains for some people the series worth a try for the sake of feel that wearing Winning Eleven muscle a next-gen console. There is an interesting info on Winning Eleven 10 version PC. Compared Konami speculate using X WE engines used by the Xbox 360, Konami would rather release a PS2 version of Winning Eleven 10 to the PC.

Konami certainly do polish here and there in order to boost the appearance Winning Eleven 10 on the PC. Release of PES6 WE10 or adjacent to the release of Winning Eleven DS. Konami is once again down in the handheld market but this time less wear advantages offered NDS so this game is pretty drop in the market.

Winning Eleven Winning Eleven 2008 is present in a variety of platforms. Frankly those who are not maniacs ball, the series feels a little stale and minimal updates. On the PS3 version of this game is only capable of running at around 30fps, this is quite disturbing Winning Eleven fans on the PS3. For PES 2008 version, this problem has been eliminated and the PS3 get a better version of the WE 2008.

Winning Eleven

Winning Eleven 2009 is present in November last year was quite a few changes this time, the players on the field has not looked like a stiff robot troops while receiving effects from other players clash. Some movement is added to enhance gameplay, the game still feels faster tempo than the classic series of Winning Eleven. Ball movement experienced a total change, in rain or bad weather slowed larinnya ball like that quite noticeable visually, in addition to the players running speed when it rains far less than the previous series.

Arise a question between the editorial, what the difference is WE or PES series, and what if we jajarkan both the game side by side. Well, actually pretty easy question to answer. Maybe when the ISS was still there maybe we'll need an extra research to convince the second series was made by KCET. Actually PES is a European version of WE, but the differences are sometimes carried not just different languages. Sometimes there are little changes in gameplay or system supplied. In addition, of course there are some new updates concerning the list of players or players license.

Although Winning Eleven 2009 is launched, Shingo Takatsuka feel not confident with Konami's WE engine capabilities, even when TGS 2008 took place Shingo unashamedly comment will wear the engine's EA (FIFA), if permitted by Konami. According to him the use of engines for serial WE FIFA is the best option, considering the engine is capable of producing graphics on WE and have a smoother animation than his engine.

Trailer Winning Eleven / Pro Evolution Soccer

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