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World of Tanks Reviews

Based on 4 critics - Overal Score: 81 / 100

GameInfo: World of Tanks is a freemium 3D team-based massively multiplayer online game featuring historically accurate fighting vehicles from the 1930s to the 1950s. World of Tanks is a PvP-focused project that promises action and strategy based gameplay. In the release version, World of Tanks includes more than 90 armored vehicles from America, Germany and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. All in all there will be around 500 vehicles available in the game. At the moment, World of Tanks features light, medium and heavy tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery and some well-known prototypes and low-volume vehicles. The game blends action, strategy and simulation genres



Critic Score
GamePro 5 out of 5
SegmentNext 8 out of 10
CalmDownTom 7 out of 10
CheatCC 3,7 out of 5

Genre(s) RPG, Simulator
Release date(s) October 30, 2010
Genre(s) RPG, Simulator
Mode(s) Multiplayer

System requirements
- CPU: Intel Pentium 4 at 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+
- RAM: 1GB
- Video: GeForce 6800GT (128 MB) / ATI Radeon X1600,
- HDD: 3GB
Tag : 2011 games, Action, W

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