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Hack Facebook In 6 easy Steps(Don't Misuse)

In this post I will show you How to Hack Facebook Account with just 6 steps.I request you not misuse this method because this can be tracked easily and you might be easily caught.Any way keeping these things we can start.
Before all the things make sure that you create a similar email address like the one of your victim.Eg:-If your going to hack Jhonxxxxxx@gmail .com
then create a similar email address like Jhonxxxxxx@yahoo.com/reddifmail.com etc.
Follow These Steps
  1. Go to www.facebook.com.

  2. Click on Forgot Passwod Option.

  3. Type in the victims id in the"Enter Email or Phone Number" box.

  4. Click Search.

  5. In the next box Click I have no longer access to these.

  6. After clicking a new page asking you to enter new e-mail address.Input your email address here and click Submit.

  7. This step completely depends on your luck.Try an answer here .

  8. After entering answer 3 times you will be redirected to another page .

  9. In the next page click continue and then choose three friend of you who will help you in hacking the victims password. Note: These friends should be the victims friends too.You can be also one of the friend.

  10. Then after you submit three friends they will receive a security code they need to give it to you.

  11. After you enter codes you are done now you can access the victims account.

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