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Use Gmail as a Virtual Hard Drive

When you open the login page of gmail you see that always Google keeps on counting about the space.With all that space you can use it as a Virtual Hard Disk(VHD).There is a simple dirty extension that can help you.
But NOTE:-Google doesn’t look kindly on people who use software like this to turn Gmail into extra storage for your PC. In fact, it may lock your account if it finds you doing this. For details, see item #3 on this site.
1)Download the extension from here .
2)After you install it open your Windows Explorer.A new Drive will open up in the My Computer.
3)When you open the drive you will be asked to enter your email and password.I suggest you to create a simple gmail address and password only for this.It is b'coz if gmail comes to know that you are using the account also as a virtual drive it can lead to termination.To preserve your important files you should create a new email address.
4)To avoid entering the account details each time you can check in  the Auto Login Option.

When you view the contents of your Gmail drive, the icons for the files won’t necessarily look like the normal ones. Instead of showing the native icons for each file type (such as pieces of paper for Word files), in some instances, they’ll show as gear-type icons.

When you copy a file to your Gmail drive, you’re actually creating an email and posting it to your account. The email will appear in your Inbox, with the file as an attachment. If you want to open any of the files from inside Gmail, click the email to view it, and then click the Download button. The file will be downloaded to your PC. Using Gmail as a virtual drive can make your Inbox pretty messy. Luckily, you can create a filter that will automatically route the files to your archived mail folder. That way, you’ll never see them in your Inbox, and they’ll be in your archives.

The emails with the files attached to them all show up preceded by the letters GMAILFS. So, create a filter that will move all files with that prefix to your archived mail by first clicking Create a Filter from the top of the Gmail screen. In the Subject box, type GMAILFS, check the box next to “Has attachment,” and then click Next Step. Then check the box next to “Skip the Inbox (Archive it)”, and then click Create Filter. All your files will be sent straight to your Archive, bypassing the Inbox.

You can also have them labeled so that you know at a glance which files you copied from your hard disk. Before clicking Create Filter, check the box next to “Apply the label.” From the drop-down box next to it, select New Label, and from the screen that appears, type in the label name (such as Hard Drive), and click OK. From the drop-down list, choose your new label. Now click Create Filter. The files will be archived but will also have the label next to them, so you can easily view only your files by clicking the Hard Drive label when you log into Gmail.

It’s not a good idea to use Gmail as your hard drive if you’re going to use POP3 to retrieve your email from Gmail with your email software. If you do that, whenever you retrieve email from Google, you’ll also retrieve all the files you’ve copied to Google when you used it as a virtual hard drive, which can be hundreds of megabytes.

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