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Call Of Duty 1


Call of Duty distinctive features, innovations in general, can not be seen - it's too strong of a word. However, it is a game that brings together many of the best aspects of other, similar games, and also includes all sorts of little "wish list items" that may have crossed your mind while playing other games. The result seems Above all, very well designed. The action of Call of Duty, ultimately, is arcadelike - much like in Allied Assault or Battlefield 1942. 

There is also a clear indication on the screen of the direction you are taking fire (and as you touch the screen to tremors make it look like it hurts). Happily , first aid kits, conveniently placed in the levels or occasionally dropped by killed enemies, instantly restore large portions of your health. You almost never need to activate a "use" key to this game. When you do, you will use it to instantly set explosives or supporting documents, but you will not use it to open doors. 

In fact, it is because you will not open all the doors. An artifact of gameplay that is presented in the first seconds of the first mission is that every time you see a closed door in Call of Duty, it is expected to remain closed. This seems like a minor point, but how many shooters have you played where you fumbled for every doorknob, trying to find the door that would actually open? It's just not a problem in Call of Duty. Despite the authentic atmosphere created for the levels in the game, it tends to be an intuitive, clear path from the beginning of the level at the end. Levels can be difficult, at least at two of the four difficulty of the game, but they are not frustrating. If you die, you can restart at your last backup almost immediately.  

You do not need to worry about hitting the quick-save key all the time, either, since the game automatically and transparently saves your progress not only at the beginning of a level, but in many places around the level . Brief tutorial of the game early in the single player will be second nature to experienced FPS players. However, since it is in the context of a military training camp, it will also provide for novices and experienced players, valuable advice on (and practice) the nuances of gameplay of Call of Duty. Call of Duty did an excellent job of modeling American, British, Russian, German of the time. The objective of reducing its sights, use it as a club, or change the firing mode, in some cases. You can not sprint in Call of Duty, you can not tiptoe.  

While standing, you are moving at a constant rate which is not too slow and not too fast but it is just right. You'll have no trouble quickly get from point A to point B. However, when you're under a blanket in an area that is under fire, you are painfully aware of how vulnerable you are. You should probably keep your head down, and Call of Duty allows you to easily switch between standing, crouching, and risk positions. You move more slowly crouched - but not too slowly - making this the best way to travel in the thick of the battle. Movement and turning, is naturally much slower when lying down. Sometimes, though, is the perfect option for staging an ambush or staying out of danger.

Minimum system requirements:
  • Pentium III 1.0MHz processor
  • 128MB RAM
  • 128MB video card
  • DirectX 9.0b
  • 2GB free hard drive space
  • Windows XP
 Screen shoots

Zip file size on hard drive 421MB

Download three parts, extract from zip folder, after collected all files in one folder, game is ready for install.
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