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Top 100 Collection Games Free Full Version Free Download

Top 100 Collection Games Free Full Version Free Download-Game in this case refers to the notion of "intellectual agility" (Intellectual playability).

Games can also be interpreted as an arena for decision and action players. There are targets to be achieved players.

Intellectual agility, at some level, is a measure of the extent to which the game was exciting to play optimally.

At first, the game is identical to children's games. We always think the game is an activity undertaken by children who can please them.

In other words, all forms of activities that require thinking, intellectual agility and the achievement of certain targets can be said to be a game.

But that will be discussed on this occasion is contained in a computer game, both off line and online. Current developments in computer games very quickly.

The manager of the gaming industry are competing to create games that are more real and exciting for the players. This makes the development of computer games very quickly. So the game is not just a game for leisure or a hobby but a way to enhance creativity and intellectual level of its users.

So, playing games is a process of "fine tuning" (or equating the frequency) of the logical thinking of our children with logical thinking had sophisticated computer applications.

At the same time, the game also significantly sharpen the analytical power of its users to process information and make decisions quickly is telling.

However, the fact of course we must also enter into the calculation. The fact that such is the addiction of the players / users of acute against this kind of computer games. They can forget everything else will be their task including the task of studying.

Types of games


Video Games of this type are made with a specific purpose as an educational tool, whether for belajr recognize colors for toddlers, recognize letters and numbers, math, to learn a foreign language. Developers who make it, must take into account a variety of things that this game can really educate, increase knowledge and improve skills to play it. Target segmentation players must also be adjusted to the level of difficulty and visual design or animation. Example edugames: Bobi Ball, Dora the Explorer, Adventure Billy and Tracy.

- Games-Based Learning
- Edumarket Games - a combination of advergaming and edutainment.
- News Games or Journalistic games

- Simulation Games

Video Games of this type often describe the world in it as close as possible to the real world and pay attention to the details of various factors. From looking for a mate and a job, build a house, building to the city, set the tax and fund the city's decision to dismiss or add employees. World of domestic life to build a business conglomerate, from selling lemonade to build roadside cloning lab. Video Games of this type makes the player have to think to establish, build and solve the problem using limited funds. Example: Sim City, The Sims, Tamagotchi.

- Persuasive Games

- Organizational-Dynamic Games

Online games are games that use the Internet network so that this game can be played or accessed by anyone. Also this game is also not only be accessible by local residents alone but even abroad. Below are some types of online games:

- First Person Shooter (FPS), according to the title game is the first to take a view on the game so as if we ourselves who are in the game, this game takes place mostly war with military weapons (in Indonesia games of this type is often called a game shooting).

- Real-Time Strategy, is a game that emphasizes the greatness of a strategy game players, the player usually plays only one character not only will but a lot of character.

- Cross-Platform Online, a game that can be played online with different hardware such as need for speed undercover course can be played online from the PC and Xbox 360 (Xbox 360 is a hardware / console games that have connectivity to the Internet so it can play online ).

- Browser Games, a game that is played on a browser like Firefox, Opera, IE. Conditions where a browser can play this game is a browser already supports javascript, php, and flash.

- Massive Multiplayer Online Games, is a game where players play in a world of large scale (> 100 players), each player can interact directly as well as the real world.

Examples of some kind of online games is:
- Ragnarok Online
- RF Online
- Perfect World
- Yugioh! Online
- Let's dance!
- Rohan Online
- Etc.

While the offline game is a game without using the Internet network so that the game can not be played freely by anyone. Examples of offline games such as:
- Playstation
- Sega
- Etc.

*) Type game based on the platform used:

- Arcade Games

Which is often called the ding-dong in Indonesia, usually located in areas / special place and has a box or a machine that is specifically designed for certain types of video games and not infrequently even have features that can make players feel more like "go" and "enjoy ", like a pistol, a special chair, motion sensors, sensors grind and steering wheel (along with the transmission of course).

- PC Games
That video games are played using Personal Computers.

- Console games
That video games are played using a specific console, such as the Playstation 2, Playstation 3, XBOX 360, and Nintendo Wii.

- Handheld Games
That is played on a special console video games that can be taken anywhere, examples of Nintendo DS and Sony PSP.

- Mobile Games
That which can be played or specifically for mobile phones or PDAs.

*) Type games by genre game:

- Action - Shooting (shooting, or beat-beating could also stab-stab, depending on the story and characters in it)
video games of this type in great need of the speed of reflexes, eye-hand coordination, as well as timing, the core of this type of game is shoot, shoot and shoot. Included in it:
a.First person shooting (FPS) such as Counter Strike and Call of Duty
b.Drive n 'shoot, using elements simulating the vehicle but still with the main goal to shoot and destroy the opponent, for example: Spy Hunter, the Rock and Roll Racing, Road Rash.
c. Shoot em 'up, like Raiden, 1942, and gradius.
d. Beat 'em up (Black punch) like Double Dragon and Final Fight, then hack and slash (slash and stab) like Shinobi and Legend of Kage.
e. Light gun shooting, which uses a tool that is generally shaped like a weapon, such as Virtua Cop and Time Crisis.

- Fighting (battle)
Video games are indeed require reflex speed and hand-eye coordination, but the core of this game is mastery of tactics (and how to smoothly execute it memorized), character recognition and the timing is very important, oh yes, combo-also becomes essential to defeat the opponent as quickly as possible. And as diverse as action games in general are generally only against Artificial Intellegence or common names alone against the computer, the player is a new type of fighting game really tested the ability to fight other players. Street Fighter series, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and King of Fighter is an example.

- Action - Adventure

Entering the underground cavern, jump over the lava rocks, hanging from one tree to another tree, wrestling with a snake while looking for keys to open the door of the legendary temple, or simply find a pay phone to get the next mission, that some of the many things that the player character must do and go through in this type of video games. According to the authors, this type of game has progressed far up into the genre of action beat-em mixed up too, and now, in the 2000's, this type tend to have a visual point of view of 3D and the third person. Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto and Prince of Persia included therein.

- Adventure

The difference with this type of action-adventure video game, reflexes and cunning players in motion, running, jumping or shooting up lashing is not needed here. Video games put more emphasis on pure adventure storylines and thinking skills to analyze places players in a visually, to solve the puzzle and conclude the series of events and conversations of characters to use objects at exactly the right place. These include:
a. Adventure with text or point and click system, for example: Kings Quest, Space Quest, Heroes Quest, Monkey Island, Sam and Max,

b.Novel or interactive movie, like the game "dating" a widely circulated in Japan, Dragons Lair and Night Trap.

- Role Playing

Video games of this type in accordance with its translation, role playing, has an emphasis on character / role of representative players in the game, which usually is the main character, where as we play, the character can change and evolve in the desired direction the player (usually becomes more intense , the stronger, more influential, etc.) in a variety of parameters which are usually determined by an increased level, both from the status of intelligence, speed and strength of character, the more powerful weapons, or the number of friends and being peliharaan.Secara culture, Japanese game developers usually create a Role Playing Games (RPG) toward a linear story that is directed as if our character is a character in the story, like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Xenogears. While the European RPG game developers, tend to make our characters are free to choose the way the story itself is non-linear, such as Ultima, Never Winter Nights, baldurs gate, Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

- Strategy

The opposite of a video game type of action that runs fast and need lightning reflexes, strategic kinds of video games, like playing chess, it requires more skill to think and decide every move carefully and well planned. Video game strategy usually gives players control over not just one person but a minimum group of people with different types of abilities, to vehicles, even to the construction of various buildings, factories and pusal combat training, depending on the theme of the story. Players see a strategy game from the point of view is more widespread and more forward with the game time is usually longer and relaxed than action games. The elements of the game usually revolves around, the priority of development, laying the troops, find and use resources (money, iron, wood, oil, etc.), to the purchase and upgrade lawyer's forces or technology. This type of game is divided into:

Strategy a.Real time, the game runs in real time and simultaneously among all the parties and the player must decide any action taken at that time also coincided perhaps the opponent when it is executing its strategy well. Example: Starcraft, Warcraft, and Command and Conquer.

b.Turn based Strategy, the game goes in turns, when we make decisions and move the troops, then wait for the opponent, and vice versa, like chess.
example: Front Mission, Super Robot Wars, Final Fantasy tactics, heroes of might and magic, Master of Orion.

Actually there is a sort again become the kind of tactical and strategic, but the author tends to incorporate them because the difference is only in problems of scale and the complex's management of resources in its course.

- Puzzle

Video games of this type as the name cored about solving the puzzle, whether it's the Block, equalize color ball, solving mathematical calculation, through a maze, pushing the city to get to where it should, it's all included in this type. Often this type of game is also an element in the video game adventure games and educational games. Tetris, Minesweeper, Bejeweled, Sokoban and Bomberman.

- Simulation of vehicle

Video Games of this type provide interactivity experience or as close as possible to the original vehicle, muskipun sometimes vehicles are still experimental or even fictitious, but there is special emphasis on detail and realistic experience using such vehicles. Divided into several types:

a. War. Video game simulation of a vehicle that was popular in the late '90s it invites players to ride vehicles and other fighting vehicles. And most of them have the same title with the name of the vehicle. Examples: 64 Apache, Comanche, Abrams, YF-23, F-16 fighting eagle.Tetapi life pirate games like 'Pirates!' Can also be categorized here.

b.Balapan. From the name obviously, who is up first at the finish line he was the winner! Sometimes even the players can choose a vehicle, dressing, and even painted the engine upgrades. Example: Top Gear, Test Drive, Sega Rally Championship, Daytona, Grand Turismo, Need For Speed, Mario Cart, ManXTT.

c.Luar Space. While the vehicle can still be considered a simulation of war, but all the elements of science fiction and the many outstanding titles make this subgenre worth war is categorized outside the vehicle simulation. This type allows players to explore space, at war with an alien creature, landed on the planet middle of nowhere or just want to feel how to be captain in your favorite science fiction movie. Example: Wing Commander, Freelancer, Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Tie Fighter, etc..

d.Mecha. The idea that almost no one is exposed by the film when his little robots do not dream of Japanese wanted to control the robot, it's hard to argue with. Popularized by the Mechwarrior series by Activision, subgenres Mecha Simulation allows players to control the robot and use it to destroy buildings, helicopters and of course the other robots. Example: Mechwarrior, Chronicles Gundam Last war, and Armored Core.

- Sports

Clear concise, playing sports on your PC or console. Usually cultivated serealistik game though sometimes there may be an added element of fiction such as NBA JAM. Examples were clear, Winning Eleven Series, the NBA series, FIFA series, John Madden NFL, Lakers vs. Celtics, Tony Hawk pro skater, etc..


- Multiplayer Online

The gameplay is another trend even the world, be one point behind why the world of gaming and the Internet in Indonesia can be developed. And because it is played online and by using a voucher payment system, piracy is not a problem anymore. Games that can be played simultaneously by more than 2 people (even can reach tens of thousands of people at a time) makes the players can play together in a virtual world than just chatting to kill dragons playing with a friend who knows where. Generally these types of games played on PCs and themed RPG, although there is also the theme music or action. Example: Ragnarok Online, O2jam, World of Warcraft, Let's Dance, Lineage, an online Rose.

- Casual games

As the name implies, a casual game that is not complex, the game relaxed and very easy to learn (and even tended to be played directly). This type usually requires a computer specification standards of his time and size is not more than 100 MB because it usually can be downloaded demo version of it on his official website. Genre puzzle or action game is usually simple and generally can be played only using the mouse (usually other games use a lot of the game depends on it). For example: Diner Dash, Sally's Salon, Bejeweled, Zuma, Feeding Frenzy, Insaniquarium.

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