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Trauma Game Reviews and more

Based on 4 critics - Overal Score: 70 / 100

GameInfo: TRAUMA tells a story of a young woman who survives a car accident. Recovering at the hospital, she has dreams that shed light on different aspects of her identity - such as the vvay she deals vvith the loss of her parents. TRAUMA lets you experience those dreams in an interactive vvay, reminiscent of Point-and-Click Adventure Games. It builds upon this established formula by introducing a gesture-based interface, real-time 3D technology 4 dynamic level layouts, unique photographic visuals and a level design philosophy that focuses on creating a rich experience rather than an elaborate puzzle challenge. Combined with the unconventional story, it is aimed to be a compact and deep game 4 a literate and mature audience.

Critic Score

MMGN.com Once in a while a unique indie game comes along and challenges your thoughts on what a game actually is. TRAUMA from indie designer Krystian Majewski is one of those games. Providing a dark and chilling look into the twisted mind of a car accident victim, TRAUMA is an interesting look into the human psyche. Read Full Review

Aylives Trauma is actually a game I was very looking forward to, so when I got the press release copy in my mail I was actually quite thrilled and dropped everything I was doing for the sake of having some Trauma.

Even though I had goosebumps several time through out the game and it wasn't the longest thing I ever played, I really appreciate it in the end. Read Full Review

EuroGamer An esoteric point-and-click adventure in which you navigate dreams rendered in Polaroid snapshots, Trauma borrows the ambiance of sombre European cinema. It combines lingering night photography of Cologne, Germany with CGI motion graphics to haunting effect. Its lead character is voiced by a Björk-ish woman who wouldn't sound out of place in an Ingmar Bergman film, while a soundtrack of ambient pianos that lose their train of thought mid-melody adds to the trancelike atmospher Read Full Review

Game Podunk Trauma is a game which has been making the rounds in the indie world but didn't seem to have much of a name outside it. However, the game finally saw a release which was pushed heavily by Steam. Because of the publicity from Steam many gamers who would have never seen the game took a look. Is it good? Is it bad? Honestly, it's hard to give an opinion either way when everyone who plays the title will get something different from it. Still, it's worth hearing a little about the game before jumping in. Read Full Review


System Requirements

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor:2.0 GHz Dual Core
Memory:2 GB RAM
Hard Drive:200 MB HD space


Genre: Adventure
Style: First-Person Adventure
Themes: Dreams
Release Date: August 8, 2011
Developer: Homebrew

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