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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Reviews and more

Based on 10 critics - Overal Score: 90 / 100

GameInfo: The game will immediately follow the events of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, where the Russian Federation continues its invasion of the United States of America, and has also expanded its offensive to Europe, including England, France and Germany. Campaign stages are also planned for Somalia, Sierra Leone, Moscow and Dubai. Gameplay videos from E3 2011 in Los Angeles showed Delta Force soldiers helping Navy Seal Teams force a Russian submarine to surface in the East River and boarding it to destroy the other boats in the harbor. Before this, Delta Force soldiers are on a mission to destroy a radar jamming installation on top of the New York Stock Exchange. On Episode 502 of GameTrailers TV with Geoff Keighley, footage was shown of SAS soldiers fighting terrorists in the streets of London, eventually chasing them through a subway and killing them. They proceed to a subway station and eventually end up on the streets of London once again. Michael Condrey, Co-Founder of Sledgehammer Games, explained that the SAS are tracking a package belonging to ultranationalist Vladimir Makarov and is considered deadly and must be found and captured.

Critic Score

GamingBolt: "Aside from the tweaks to the game's multiplayer, there's nothing in MW3 that should surprise anyone that's played any of the previous games. But for fans of the series that's no bad thing. New maps, weapons, killstreaks and modes are all that's required to keep the faithful, well, faithful. The single player, meanwhile, rather than being a throwaway companion to the real meat and bones of the game is instead a brilliant bombastic showcase of set-pieces and action. Take Call of Duty for what it is and embrace its dumb, nonsenical and scripted, but nonetheless hugely entertaining action sensibilities. Enjoy the ride. It's awesome." Read Full Review

The Controller Online: "The Call of Duty franchise is, by far, the most successful multiplayer shooter franchise going. Because of that, it’s easy to overlook the fact that this success is always anchored by fantastic single player campaigns. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the very picture of this philosophy. Activision’s developer tag-team are bringing us the gripping conclusion to the current Modern Warfare story wrapped in the multiplayer action you know and love, with a side of co-op. Industry analysts are predicting record sales, in the area of 12 million copies at launch, yet again and I’m inclined to side with all 12 million of you." Read Full Review

AusGamers: "Almost everything we’ve been put through over the past few years is laid to rest when the credits roll, and let's be honest, it’s been one heck of a rollercoaster ride. I also haven’t had such a satisfying and gripping ending to a videogame happen in such a long time (Arkham City aside). It thoroughly ends the journey well, and with flair. Where one studio has gone after gritty realism, the Modern Warfare 3 team went after satisfaction and indulgence. The final sequence of the game really is something to behold..." Read Full Review

PC Games: Sledge Hammer admitted to act in Chaos Infinity Ward. The serial trademarks remain the same, the player can follow the action but pleasant, the ideas behind it are understandable. Modern Warfare 3 clear wins an Oscar for best screenplay, but it is a Tom Clancy
at least the same distance. The developers also successfully cut off old habits, to get to the creepy story of MW2 to a conciliatory end of the trilogy. And in hindsight Modern Warfare 3 also ends in the only manner in which could end this trilogy. Accordingly, you will you finally sit back and well-satisfied smile. Read Full Review

EDGE: Against all odds, in light of what has happened at Infinity Ward since Modern Warfare 2, the third game in the series is remarkable. Modern Warfare 3 is an ending, and one that resists the easy temptation to leave threads dangling. More importantly than that, it’s a hell of a package: MW3 not only maintains the high standards of the series’ previous singleplayer campaigns, but offers what feels like the best iteration of COD’s world-conquering multiplayer thus far, as well as a thrilling update of the second game’s Spec Ops missions and a new Survival mode. Read Full Review

1UP:  Gamers that have played previous COD iterations can expect to be familiarized with how each mode works while also receiving moments of, "Oh hey, that's new." It's a solid addition to the Call of Duty family, and I'm glad to say the multiplayer remains addicting and is more balanced than ever. Read Full Review

MSN: We've barely touched upon some of the other great features in MW3 – such as the hugely customisable private match modes, and brilliant new maps like Dome and Underground – but frankly we'd just be taking up more of your valuable time. Far better that you stop reading now, get yourself a copy, and discover this slick, muscular, fan-feedback-honed edition to the CoD cannon in person. And then book yourself in for a chest wax. Read Full Review

Joystiq: Modern Warfare 3 is a great Call of Duty game, just as every other entry in the franchise is a great Call of Duty game. However, it shares more than quality with its predecessors – it, like its forefathers, leaves you waiting for something perfect. Read Full Review

Giant Bomb: I asked you last year, and I'll ask it again now: Do you want to play more Call of Duty? It sounds like such a simple question, right? But even if you've kept current with the series and enjoyed it up to this point, it's a good time to check in and ask if you want more. Do you? For millions and millions of players out there, the answer will probably be an automatic "of course I do, why would you even ask?" But if you're actually on the fence about this thing, hopefully it helps you to know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 provides more Call of Duty with some new maps, new modes, and new options. It doesn't make grand changes to the things that have worked in the past, though it does make some smart additions that some will certainly appreciate. Read Full Review

CyberBoxPR: In conclusion, COD: MW3 is an excellent game, very addictive for many, but since this is the eighth installment of the franchise and the third game of the series 'Modern Warfare', tends to recycle content from past games. It is easy to identify that the multiplayer is the same as previous deliveries and has been very little change other than the redesign of the "kill streak" and the two new ways. Everything else is recycling a winning formula that many love, but that can become a repetitive moment so many times that fans of the series have played these modes. Small changes are not sufficient to satisfy the thirst of 'gamer' you are looking for innovation. With all the integration of a new graphics engine, just the differences can be seen in the charts with previous titles. Despite these criticisms, the story of the campaign brings a lot of action and less talk. The mode 'suvival' makes it a very addictive game. Read Full Review



System Requirements:

- OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 processor or better
- RAM: 2 GB
- Grafix: Shader 3.0 or better 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon X1950 or better
- Direct X: 9.0c or later
- HDD: 16 GB free hard drive space
- Internet: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity. Internet connection required for activation.


Genre: Shooter
Style: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Modern Warfare
Release Date: November 8, 2011
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision, Inc.
Tag : 2011 games, C, shooter

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