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Serious Sam 3: BFE Reviews and more

Based on 2 critics - Overal Score: 84 / 100

GameInfo: Pretty much everything in Serious Sam 3 wants to kill you. The kleer skeletons pounce at close range and toss chain bolos from afar, the ape-like Gnaar try to eat you, and the headless suicide humanoids with bombs for hands want to kill you so badly they can't resist screaming while they charge. The action starts in Cairo and within minutes you'll be sledgehammering enemies in the head. The plot and dialogue aren't meant to be taken seriously; aliens are invading, and Sam fights back with a bunch of one-liners, bullets and rockets.

Critic Score

Dealspwn "I'm having trouble finding the words to describe just how insane this is. It's an orgy of chaos; a blood-soaked, intense and outrageous affair that still provides a stern technical challenge thanks to the upscaled enemies. It's stupid, brilliant, inexplicable, wonderful fun. Speaking as a gamer first and a journalist second, I haven't had this much fun since... well... The Second Encounter." Read Full Review

Hooked Gamers As a whole generation of gamers grows older, we can mark this year as a threshold. It is the swivel point at which we filter out old gaming practices from earlier decades, in a harsh but fair sentiment. As part of this, we all desperately placed our hopes in Duke Nukem Forever to prove that the classic first-person shooter can be brought with us into the forthcoming decade. Disgracefully, it only moved towards hammering another nail in the coffin. Due to this mishap, it seems that Serious Sam 3 may be the last chance for the classic uber-masculine, twitch shooter to survive the cull. All that back-pedalling does not exactly get us started in the right direction though. Read Full Review



Developer: Croteam
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Release date: November 22, 2011
Genre: First-person shooter
Mode: Single-player, Multiplayer
Tag : 2011 games, S, shooter

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