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Arvoch Alliance Reviews

Based on 1 critics - Overal Score: 68 / 100

GameInfo: Arvoch Alliance is a 3D space combat simulation for the PC. One of its primary design goals is to present a fairly realistic simulation of what space combat might be like in the future and it features several single player and multiplayer gameplay modes. From its extensive information display systems to its diverse control options, from the Newtonian style physics system to the advanced target tracking and selection options, Arvoch Alliance aims to set the standard for first person space combat simulation.

Critic Score

Gameaspect Arvoch Alliance was launched November 18th, 2011 by StarWraith 3D Games LLC for PC. Arvoch Alliance is the latest in a long string of space sims produced almost entirely through the labor of one individual. I first became acquainted with the Star Wraith series of games through the Dark Basic site thegamecreators.com. The game Star Wraith (the original) was featured on the site many years ago and is still thought highly of by the community. Arvoch Alliance is the 12th game since Star Wraith, and a host of tiny improvements and tinkering have improved the games through the years. Read Full Review


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