Based on 5 critics - Overal Score: 56 / 100
GameInfo: The game is set in the mid 21st century when the world has fallen into the chaos of the "Great Population Flood", and takes place aboard the Queen of the World, a city-sized luxury ocean vessel, built by a group of corporate giants known as the Five Founding Fathers; the group who, due to the Queen, have prospered while the rest of the world suffered. At the beginning of the game, the craft is bombed by a group of fanatical terrorists known as the Malthusians - named after political economist Thomas Malthus who predicted that population growth would one day outpace agricultural production, returning society to a subsistent level of existence. The Malthusians have a plan to murder the vast majority of humans on the planet, so that the survivors wouldn't suffer from the effects of the population explosion. Their slogans, including "Save the World - Kill Yourself", are written on the walls and displayed on computer screens all over the ship. Kate Wilson, the protagonist, is a systems engineer who becomes a reluctant hero when the Malthusians attack and take over the Queen.
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1,8 GHz or equivalent Athlon X2
- Memory: 2 GB
- Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0c (GeForce 6800 GT or Radeon HD 3650)
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0
- Hard disk space: 5.5 GB

Critic | Score |
ZTGD It’s not unheard of to see a game ported from one platform to the next, nor is it uncommon to see a period of years pass between platform appearances. What is rare is to see a developer take a game back to the drawing board before allowing the game to be reintroduced. Hydrophobia was originally released during Microsoft’s Game Feast in September 2010, envisioned to be the first chapter in a trilogy. Unfortunately for Dark Energy, Hydrophobia’s developer, the game met with criticisms from critics and average gamers alike. Many remarked at the high quality of the game’s water effects, but griped about unimpressive voice acting, repetitive combat, and floaty controls. ' Read Full Review | 78/100 |
BeefJack '“You need to find a water source,” the helpful voice in your ear tells you in one unintentionally ironic moment of Hydrophobia Prophecy. The previous hour has been spent ankle, knee, waist and neck deep in H2O as protagonist Kate Wilson has waded and swum through the flooded halls and rooms of hijacked ocean liner The Queen of the World.' Read Full Review | 62/100 |
EvilGamerZ The physics on this game are done very well, the water reacts to it’s surroundings and the physics objects are realistically weighted, both of these are good aspects of the game and this is where those good aspects sort of end. The voice acting on this game is dreadful, now I know the developers didn’t have the biggest budget of all time but seriously the voice acting in this game makes you want to beat yourself to death with your keyboard, it really is bad. Read Full Review | 60/100 |
FTG "In what seems like a millennia ago, I spent the majority of my time in a business of antiquated venture called a video rental store. Between helping people with their rentals, I would run across some films of questionable worth as I totaled them out. When you work in any sort of movie retail market you learn that with every big movie release comes a wave of lesser known films trying to cash in on the subject matter." Read Full Review | 40/100 |
Eurogamer "Hydrophobia Prophecy is one of the best terrible games I've played in ages. I mean it. At the bad games awards (imagine a town hall in Croydon, the audience full of sniffling, coughing hopefuls) Hydrophobia would win everything from Most Ambitious Game to Most Impressive Technology That Was Not Used At All. On the one hand, it's kind of a tragedy. On the other hand, it's unforgivable. The developers performed the impressive feat of screwing up almost everything." Read Full Review | 40/100 |
System requirements
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1,8 GHz or equivalent Athlon X2
- Memory: 2 GB
- Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0c (GeForce 6800 GT or Radeon HD 3650)
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0
- Hard disk space: 5.5 GB
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