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Sky Star Reviews

Based on 1 critics - Overal Score: 65 / 100

GameInfo: Sky Star is not a game you should play for hours. See you play again, what is there to discover and then play it as much as you feel like. So hopefully come back and finish it at some point to open the final. The game is an experience that is relaxed and ambient atmosphere that are focused on creating peace instead of intense gameplay. This is like an interactive poetry. A poem that has some edge and allows you to explore different scenarios. It is important that you take the time and let the game feel as you play it.

Critic Score

GamingBolt Star Sky from swedish developer Mården Jonsson is a strange beast indeed. It isn’t a game as such; there are vitually no challenges so it is more of an “experience”. It stands out amid the crowd of titles available on the AppStore – and for that alone Skar Sky should be praised. It is immensely refreshing to see this sort of experimentation, and in some ways it embodies all that is good about indie games. Read Full Review

Tag : 2011 games, S

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