Lets play the Game.

Revenant (WBB Edition)

Release Date: October 25, 1999
T for Teen: Blood, Animated Violence, Suggestive Themes
Genre: Action
: Eidos Interactive
: Cinematix
Detail: http://katt.it/29e649

Locke D'Averam is the Revenant, a resurrected warrior from an earlier age. Summoned by a powerful warlord to rescue his abducted daughter, Locke embarks on a quest that will take him through a myriad of sinister locations, collecting magic items and battling a host of fearsome monsters. As he attempts to recover his fighting skills he is plagued by memories of his past existence, memories that begin to merge with his current quest in a series of stunning revelations. Revenant is played from a third person isometric point of view similar to Diablo, but adds an important gameplay element to its combat sequences: combos. Players can perform different combination attacks with different keystrokes, which adds quite a bit of depth to the game.

Revenant (WBB Edition)

  • Over 55 weapons.
  • 50 3D animated spells.
  • Over 30 NPCs with full voice-acting.
  • Multiple unique areas to explore.
  • 30 levels of advancement.
  • Over 150 individual pieces of armor.
  • Hundreds of animations and interactive combat moves.
  • Over 50 enemies, including four unique bosses.
  • Real-time combat involving thousands of animations, including unique moves and fatalities for each monster.
  • Dynamic, action-packed gameplay requires tactical thinking to explore, interact, solve puzzles, and engage in brutal combat scenarios.
  • Use the included editor to create your own multi-player deathmatch maps, or battle it out with your friends on one of six included levels.



::. TheNamelessOne .::

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Here's another request, this time by DragonLS and it's Revenant. The game ran fine on WinXP SP3 and Win7 32bit except for the music. Even though its there, it won't play. Not even with my image file mounted so this is not repack related issue. Maybe it's crack related. Can't say for sure. Anyway, the music files are in the game folder if you want to listen them in the background on your Winamp or something like that. Hope you'll enjoy 

The will pop-up "Insert CD2" message but ignore it and click OK. It will run just fine. Also, I've made shortcut to the launcher and not the game exe itself so if you have any problems running the game via launcher (I didn't encounter any), go to game folder, open revenant.ini and change line


Also, you can try to change option "Surface Fast Locks" under Advanced options (acces them via launcher). I repeat, I didn't have any problems (except music don't playing) with the game under both OS's. I ran without any modifications or compatibility modes. If you encounter any problem, let me know  


Windows 7 32bit
Intel Core2Duo E6550 2,33 GHz
nVidia 9800 GT 512 MB
confirmed working on Windows 7 x64 and Windows XP SP3

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