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All Political Sim Games

Political sims are designed to allow players to take part in a virtual government. Players may need to run an election campaign, resolve an administrative crisis, or otherwise use legislative and diplomatic means to manipulate a situation for the desired political results. Political sims are often based on real-life governements or political structures.

Shadow President
Balance of Power
Political Tycoon

1985 Balance of Power IBM PC Compatible 3.5 Stars
1985 Balance of Power Apple II 3.5 Stars
1989 Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1990 Balance of the Planet Macintosh 2 Stars
1991 Balance of the Planet IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2008 Battle for the White House Mobile 3 Stars
1994 The Big One IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1983 Campaign '84 ColecoVision 2.5 Stars
1985 Class Struggle Apple II 2.5 Stars
1985 Colonial Conquest [European] Atari ST
1985 Colonial Conquest Apple II 2.5 Stars
2009 Commander in Chief: Geo-Political Simulator 2009 IBM PC Compatible 1.5 Stars
1990 Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator IBM PC Compatible 4 Stars
1991 Crisis in the Kremlin IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1996 CyberJudas IBM PC Compatible 4 Stars
2007 Democracy IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2008 Democracy [European] IBM PC Compatible
2007 Democracy 2 IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2012 Democracy 2 Macintosh 2.5 Stars
2013 Democracy 3 IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2013 Democracy 3 Macintosh 2.5 Stars
1995 The Doonesbury Election Game: Campaign '96 IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1983 The Election Game [European] Commodore 64/128
2004 The Election Game IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2008 Geo-Political Simulator [European] IBM PC Compatible
1988 Hidden Agenda IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2013 Masters of the World: Geo-Political Simulator 3 IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2013 Masters of the World: Geo-Political Simulator 3 Macintosh 2 Stars
2008 Oval Office: Commander in Chief IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2004 PC Gamer Presents Republic: The Revolution [European] IBM PC Compatible
2004 The Political Machine IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
2008 The Political Machine 2008 IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2008 The Political Machine 2008 [European] IBM PC Compatible
2012 The Political Machine 2012 IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2001 Political Tycoon IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1992 Power Politics IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
1981 President Elect Apple II 2.5 Stars
1987 President Elect: 1988 Edition Apple II 3.5 Stars
1983 Presidential Campaign Commodore 64/128 3 Stars
2012 The Race for the White House IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
2012 The Race for the White House Macintosh 2 Stars
2003 Republic: The Revolution IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2003 Republic: The Revolution [European] IBM PC Compatible
2004 Republic: The Revolution Macintosh 2.5 Stars
2010 Rulers of Nations: Geo-Political Simulator 2 IBM PC Compatible 2 Stars
1992 Shadow President IBM PC Compatible 3 Stars
1991 Solidarnosc IBM PC Compatible 2.5 Stars
2002 Universal Studios Monsters: Monsterville [European] IBM PC Compatible

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