I don't have the Virutal Reality headset as it isn't out just yet, but the 3D stereo output is probably the best 3D mode for any game I've seen... There are a few good games for 3D out there, but DOOM 3 BFG Edition's 3D mode tops them all. The only options I wish they add are a menu option for FOV (it can still be changed via ingame console or config file) and eventually Co-op (something the console version has, but they decided to not add to the PC BFG edition release). Course there's alway LMS coop mod... whenever they update it for the enhanced BFG edition, that is, but it would still be nice to see an official coop from id/bethesda for the PC version.
On a side note... I picked up the 360 version just to see the improvements over the original Xbox release. If you remember, Doom 3 was released on Xbox just right before the Xbox 360 came out... so it had to be heavily watered down for graphics and maps to meet performance requirements for the original Xbox. Sadly, while it still made for a great experience, visually and gameplay wise, it was lacking quite a bit in comparison to its PC counterpart.

DOOM 3, and its huge expansion pack "Resurrection of Evil" along with a new expansion pack called "The Lost Missions". All of them support 3D and run on the enhanced id tech engine, multiplayer is available. 3D mode is supported. Features like a gun-attached flashlight, improved audio, lighting, some new graphics features and enhancements (not exactly sikkmod, but still nice touches and additions) for both versions (and much needed and improved config/graphics management for PC version), even updated FX (shotgun now sounds nastier, etc) and it includes DOOM 1 and DOOM 2 as vanilla as I've seen them other than owning the original PC copies.
Pick it up! you'll like it. May I say playing Doom 3 on my 56" LG Cinema display LED 3DTV is fricking AMAZINGLY TERRIFYING! And on my 30" HP ZR30w 2560x1600 pc monitor, it looks every bit as nice as it should, and holds up pretty well for a PC game. Definetely one nice 20th anniversary release to get anyone ready for Doom 4.
9/10 for a great bundle and new additions.. but the lack of co-op on PC and some other very minor changes kept it from a perfect 10/10 (Keep in mind, the PC version originally did not have Co-op either). Though if your picking up the PC version, beware that mods and modding are not going to work as of current, so if you need mod support, should stick to buying the original Doom 3 or Doom 1/2 for PC.. but for anyone but the mod enthusiasts, this release is a great deal.
Verdict: 90/100
Genre: Compilation
Style: Shooter
Themes: Demons, Hell
Release Date: October 16, 2012
Developer: id Software, Inc.
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
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