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Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition RUS (PS3 Game)

Fallout 3 is a special videogame. It's an open-world role-playing game that delivers an experience unlike anything on the market right now. It's a gripping and expansive showcase of how much depth and excitement can be packed into one videogame, and it does justice to the Fallout franchise. This sequel is the first made by Bethesda, the developers responsible for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. You don't need to play any of their past games or any previous Fallout games to enjoy this one. It stands on its own as a memorable and well-crafted videogame.

The Fallout universe paints a picture of a dystopian future. It exists in what people on the cusp of the atomic revolution in the 1950s saw as the sci-fi world of tomorrow... if several thousand nuclear bombs were dropped on it. It's a quaint sci-fi view of a future filled with atomic cars, robot servants, and incredibly basic computer terminals. A nuclear war has taken away most of these technological comforts, providing the backdrop for a game with a dreary, desperate atmosphere filled with glib and dark humor. It's a world that is both fantastic and somehow believable. And it is one that's exciting to explore.

Game of the Year Edition

Bethesda did not deliver a standard Game of the Year Edition by simply adding a few bells and whistles to go along with a price drop. This one contains all five of the downloadable expansions released over the past year and comes at the normal full retail price. Fallout 3 was already a massive game and this just makes it bigger.

There isn't anything brand new for those that have been following Fallout 3 and snapping up every expansion as it has become available. The original game is the same and the five add-ons are treated exactly the same as they would be if you had downloaded them. On Xbox 360 and PC, these add-ons come on a second disc that must be installed. You are free to choose which add-ons you want to install and can go back and install or delete the quests at a later date. In total, a little over 2 GB of hard drive space is needed to put all of the expansions on your hard drive at one time. The PS3, with its Blu-ray format, has enough space on the disc to include the original game and all five expansions. No extra installs required.

The second disc for Xbox 360 and PC does not appear to have any restrictions placed on it. No code is required to import the add-ons and you don't need to be connected to Xbox Live. I was able to install the add-ons on multiple hard drives without a hitch, and saves carry over for anyone that has started the original Fallout 3 campaign. As far as I can tell, you're free to do what you like with that disc.

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