Lets play the Game.

The War Z (PC Game)

Zombies are everywhere, you were almost out of supplies, and you are traveling with people whose situation is even worse than you. You came across another group of survivors - they have tons of food, but nothing to defend. Do you use your weapons to kill them and take what you need,
or your moral principle "remained strong in a world where death sets the rules"?
The War Z - client MMOG in a hostile world of zombie apocalypse, where the few survivors to join the uncompromising struggle for survival. Danger and hardships await the player at every step, even the hordes of the walking dead - a childish prank in comparison to the worst, cunning and unprincipled monster inhabiting the forests godforsaken Colorado - another player.

In the acute shortage of food supplies, ammunition and medical supplies, few can maintain moral principles, and those who only yesterday seemed a friend, tomorrow will fire back a bottle of fresh water. To write a new story on the ruins of agony in this world and to survive, players will become tempered in battle, to hone their skills and to associate with others.
But most importantly - remember that only the dead will not lie to you.

Switching between a first and third person.
Huge map size from 200 to 400 square meters. killometrov.
Mnozhetvo great skills and abilities (including first aid, night vision, not to mention the combat skills, such as shooting and trapping).
And much more, making the gameplay saturated and bright.

Features of Release
Do not cut
Do not recoded
Game Version 0.9.3 (updated 2/12/12)
Client installed to play on pirate servers
Installing additional software (DirectX, Visual C + +)

Installing and running
run setup.exe
Install the game, following the instructions
Add a file hosts (open with notepad, lies in wimdows-system32-driver-ect) line " api1.thewarinc.com"
Start with a shortcut or a folder with a game (WarZlauncher.exe)
Register an account

System requirements:
Operating System: Windows ® XP / Vista / 7/8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo - 2,0 GHz or AMD Athlon II X2 - 2,0 GHz
Memory: 2 Gb
Graphics Card: 512MB DirectX 9.0c, with support for Shader Model 4.0
Sound system: compatible with DirectX 9.0c
free space on the hard disk: 1,65 Gb
Tablet: enclosing (emulator NEXUS WARZ)

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