Lets play the Game.

Game Dev Tycoon

No need for serials and cracks to get the full version, (already done it for you).
No unnecessary registry changes.
No boring installation of tool-bars in your browser or other unwanted things.
You can even run this torrent from an USB-Stick.
Easy Uninstall with the Windows control panel.
Choose where you want to put the files on your PC.
These are a few things that makes a '2-click run' version a better version.

If everybody seeds, you will get higher downloading speeds.

v1.4.3 31 Aug. 2013
- Changed: Adjusted audience rating for later consoles.
- Changed: Steam achievements should now trigger correctly.
- Fixed: Steam overlay is often unresponsive.
- Fixed: Changing focus to 'player' text box by using Tab and then typing capital letter would incorrectly trigger Steam overlay.
- Fixed: In rare cases the Develop New Game button is missing after publishing a game.
- Fixed: Retire date of later consoles were incorrect.
- Fixed: Misc. typos.

Installation instructions:
1. Execute the Game Dev Tycoon 1.4.3 (2-click run).exe file.
2. Click next.
3. Enjoy the program.

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