The most greatest amazing award getting product that make an impact on an gaming world it not get award without reason means this have greatest abilities.Developed by santa monica studios but published by Sony computers also it is designed by David jaffe also its programmers are timm moss who are well known famous for doing task like these and after making it he become more famous because this is the most successful creation by him.The story is incredible means when you start playing 1st of all player jumps from the top high mountain and it was thousand of miles above when he come to the earth and he go to the river.All the satges are different from one an other player own a big sword and using chains to kill enemies.So now you can download god of war 1 free game for pc full version with setup plus exe also iso highly compressed.
System Requirements:
Graphics card 256 mb
Ram 1 gb
Processor core 2 duo 2.1 ghz
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