Lets play the Game.

List of All PC SHOOTER Games Released in 2015


There are game modes other than Hunt to indulge in. but none that are equally as interesting to play. Nest populates the map with six monster eggs in random locations, it being the hunter's job to destroy them before they can hatch and provide the monster player with Al-controlled minion to assist it.

Defend sees a fully-evolved monster flanked by smaller minions try to destroy a set of structures, while Rescue challenges monster and hunter to locate and kill/save injured human colonists. An Evacuation mode strings five battles across these four game types together into a very loose narrative featuring the odd cutscene. Frankly, though, your time is best spent mastering the default Hunt mode.

Battlefield Hardline
Visceral explains its plans to reinvigorate Battlefield, return to Dead Space and Launch into Star Wars

Coming Soon


Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy’s The Division



Dead Island 2

Homefront: The Revolution

Star Wars Battlefront

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