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Xbox One Essentials (Top 7 XO Games)

Grand Theft Auto V
Publisher: Rockstar
What was already an excellent, brutal and beautiful openworld game is made even more so on Xbox One with a visual tidy-up, a glut of new content and the addition of firstperson pedestrian-beating.

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Publisher: EA
Enormous, handsome and in love with the subtleties of world design, storytelling and combat. The best RPG on Xbox One so far.

Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Want to go hiking? explore the depths of hell? recreate Buckingham Palace? go ahead – all possibilities are open to you.

Far Cry 4
Publisher: Ubisoft
It’s like a zoo, but with explosives and guns and dictators and gyrocopters and homicidal tapirs. Top-notch open-world shooting.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Publisher: Warner Bros
Every Orc NPC can become your fully fledged nemesis (until you shank the life out of them, that is).

Max: the Curse of Brotherhood
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Use his giant magic marker to draw handy platforms. Or, y’know, funny moustaches onto enemies’ faces.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions
Publisher: Sierra
Lacks the purity of olden-times Geometry Wars maybe, but this is still a thrilling, retina-battering collection of high-score challenges.
Tag : top ten
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