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The industries behind the drive in consumer technologies

Two of the most visible drivers behind the growth in consumer technologies are the mobile and film industries. Their business is built upon constantly improving the experience of their customers and creating new, fresh ways for their output to be enjoyed. When a piece of hardware works well and the people who produced it can see a clear applicability to everyday life, the industry pursues the idea from every angle. They will work with a range of specialists to figure out what the best selling points are and how to make it into a helpful tool for the widest possible range of consumers.

Mobile technology is experiencing a period of sustained growth and success; this is in part due to the industry’s ability to change and adapt to the demands of their customers. People value their phones enormously, but their preference for multipurpose gadgets has prompted companies to raise their game. More than ever, investment is directed toward smartphones that offer GPS, hi-res cameras, and access to social media, as well as all the usual functions.

The film business has also contributed generously to some of our most loved technology, such as digital cameras and the ability to watch movies from a phone. Producers such as Marc Shmuger, the CEO of Global Produce, are behind many innovative advances in the entertainment industry. Shmuger’s dedication to constant improvement makes the movies an exciting place to be, and brings Hollywood-standard technology into people’s homes.

Currently, film industry experts have been working on HDR, a technique that was talked up recently at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show. With a far wider range of colors in the visual palate, HDR creates an enhanced viewing experience for people watching at the cinema, and is a feature of many quality digital cameras. However, manufacturers such as Dolby are now seeking to make it work in a home environment, on sports and news channels, and possibly by remastering previously released titles.

Many industries are engaged in the evolution of gadgets that improve people’s quality of life, while also remaining affordable. Consumers are always willing to embrace new technologies, but for them to commit financially, the product needs to have a clear purpose and be easy to use. It is the huge utility of home entertainment, digital cameras and mobile devices that makes these technologies endlessly popular with the public.

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